Another empty bottle

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Do you ever wish that you was dead? I do, every day in fact. Unfortunately I am already considered dead, you're probably wondering 'what are you?' no, I am not a zombie or a skeleton, I'm a vampire. Some people would love to be a vampire but I am not one of those people, I might have been thrilled at first when I first discovered it but its the biggest burden I could possibly have.

I discovered that I was a full blood vampire at the tender age of 11 years old, its been six years and now I am 17 years old. I still haven't come to terms with being a vampire though. The whole blood drinking part bothers me, its like a drug that I need in order to stay alive, in fact, that's exactly what it is. You may be thinking that because I'm 17, I don't have to go to school. Well you're wrong, yes I am not in public school or even college but I am in a private boarding school for essentially dumb vampires. The kind that will refuse to take blood from a human, that's me. I don't know what it is about it but I just can't take blood from a human. It seems cruel to me.

Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Tayanne, but feel free to call me Tay. I have just come into my third year at this private boarding school. The lecturers must be sick of seeing my face, my parents say that they are going to send me to this school until I drink blood from a human. The only way I'll drink blood is from a bottle, just like a baby vampire would.
As I'm writing this, I'm sitting up in my dark room. I got out of classes not too long ago and my thirst is getting unbearable. I open my cabinet and I take out one of the glass bottles, I hold the bottle up to the moonlight, the scarlet liquid almost glitters in the pale light. I remove the cap and slowly bring the bottle to my lips, the smell of it already making me gag, I quickly down the liquid before I changed my mind. I cough and splutter, wiping my mouth with my sleeve. I throw the bottle with the others, the glass clinks against each other. I sigh 'I wish I wasn't like this' I say aloud to myself. It is unfortunate for me. I'm an only child that was shipped off to boarding school as soon as I was old enough to, I have no friends at all, well, apart from the Raven that lands on my windowsill at night.

I pick up a book, the pages are worn from being read so much. I know it's going to sound sappy but it's the most romantic love story I have ever come across. It's about this girl, she's struggling to chose between two boys but the one boy, dark with light eyes, somehow manages to sweep her off her feet, they fall in love until the end of time. I always read the story in awe because I would love to have that happen to me, but due to my vampire state, my parents have never allowed me to have friends who are boys let alone a boyfriend. I begin to turn the pages, slowly getting lost in the hopeless case of love.

Many hours later

Getting up from my bed and looking out of my window, I see that the sun was starting to rise. Time to go to bed, I stand up and yawn, stretching my arms and clicking my back. I get changed into pajamas and go to my window to admire the rising sun. The sky was a pinky-orange colour now, everything light and beautiful, except one thing. A shadow of a person sat hiding under the shade of the tall oak tree. I looked closer with curiosity, it wasn't a shadow, it was a boy. A tall looking boy with dark hair, almost black. He was dressed in our school uniform, black blazer and trousers, white shirt and a red tie, his tie loose and his top buttons undone on his shirt, revealing his pale skin. The boys eyes were closed, big shame honestly, I'd love to see his eyes. I sigh and lean against my windowsill, admiring the boy. As the sky become lighter, my eyes became more tired, I take one last glance at the boy. This time, his face was different, covering his eyes was a black bandana, my heart began to beat faster. I quickly move away from the window and cover my mouth with my hand. I feel my face getting hotter. There's something about that boy, something that can send my dead heart beating.

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