Hanging out can be fun

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As I get ready to hang out, I keep questioning myself about Rhys. Okay when I first saw him I thought he looked hot, let's be real. Now that I have spoken to him and gotten to know him, I think he is cool (still very hot though). I shake my head and tie my laces, I should go and get Tash from her room.
I go to her room and I knock on the door, she opens it and comes out wearing her usual attire topped off with her black beanie. I flick her hat, "ready to go?" I ask. She picks up her bag and nods "yep, let's go". We head out of the school, Rhys had said that we should meet in the woods because his friends can't go on the school grounds. Me and Tash head into the woods, it was dark and kinda cold but we were okay as long as we stuck together.

We make it to the middle of the woods to the clearing, Rhys and his friends weren't there yet so me and Tash sat down on the grass and had some snacks, mainly super sour candy as Tash knew they were my favorite. We chatted for a while as the sun started to shine through the trees. After about half an hour, Rhys finally turns up while being followed by three boys. Each of them looked different, the one was tall with dark hair and glasses, the other was a little shorter with short dark hair and the last boy was tall with light colored hair. Rhys and the boys sat down with me and Tash, Rhys sat on my side but not too close. "hiya Rhys, this is my friend Tash" I say indicating to Tash. Rhys waves slightly "Hey, these are my friends Cam, Charlie and Doug" he says pointing to each person. They all wave and say hello, they seemed nice honestly. We all sat together and talked for a while about random things, Rhys stayed quiet for most of the time, it looked like something was bothering him. I shook the feeling off and focused on the conversation.
After a while, the guy named Cam announced that he was bored "well what do you want to do" asked Doug. Everyone but Rhys shrugged their shoulders. Everything was silent until Rhys coughed, "I know what we could do but it might be alittle childish" he said looking meek. "I know exactly where this is going" said cam looking over at Rhys "you want to play that kids game don't you" he continued. My interest peaked at the word game, Tash laughed "you've got to tell us now, you've got her hooked already" she said pointing at me. Playing up to this, I sit on the ground in front of Rhys like a child "tell me" I say leaning on my hands. He doesn't smile, "in these woods there is a maze, first one to the middle wins" Rhys says. I look at him confused "there is a catch however, a lot of things happen to those who go into the maze. Some never come out and the ones who do are never the same again" he continues. "Well it can't be that bad, let's go" said Doug. We all get up and start walking in the direction Rhys pointed in.
It felt like we had been walking forever, the sky was beginning to darken, the stars began to shine. I sigh in relief as the pain in my head began to disappear, "too much sunlight" I mumble to myself. "Finally we're here" said Cam. We look up at the tall stone walls, the air around us turned cold. "Guys I don't think we should do this, let's turn back" shivered Charlie, backing up slightly as he spoke. Cam grabbed him by the arms and started to pull him into the maze despite Charlie's best effort to kick and run off "first one to the middle wins" said Cam as he dragged Charlie. "Well I'm going in" Doug says following. Rhys casually follows, stuffing his hands into his pockets as if he was taking a stroll in a park. In a minuet, I had lost sight of him. "Well it looks like its just me and you" says Tash "come on let's go, I want to kick their butts" Tash continued as she pulled me through the entrance. The moment I stepped inside, I felt a series of shivers crawl down my spine.
As time passed, the sky became darker. "I wonder if anyone has gotten to the middle yet" I say. The air around me was quiet, I turn around and find that I was alone. Out of nowhere, rain began to pour, thunder rumbled. I close my eyes and cover my ears, as I close my eyes I feel hands grabbing my arms and forcefully pushing me against the cold stone wall. I feel a body close to mine and a face close to my neck. "Keep your eyes closed" a low voice grumbled. I feel my body shaking "listen to me now, you do not want to know me. Its not safe, I'm not safe" the person's grip becomes tighter "trust me, its for the best. My heart is cold and isn't built for two" the person mumbles before letting go. Just as I open my eyes, everything goes black, footsteps slowly fade away until they were nothing more than whispers.

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