Guild Wars

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It has been 3 years since the guild Dragon Heart has started. it's now the 4th best guild in Fiore, Fairy tail, Saber tooth and Mermaid heel being the ones above them. Though what makes dragon heart so special is its policies, history and its council-- 'DragonKin'. The council- Dragonkin, is extremely powerful and it consists of 5 powerful wizards- including Natsu and gray.

The guild itself is an enigma. No photographs have been taken inside the guild so no one except a guild member would know what it looks like. Most guild members are hand-picked- for their loyalty and kindness. it doesn't matter how strong you are, just as long as you were dedicated.

Everyone in the guild is loved. Mostly everyone knows each other and there are a few forbidden actions in the guild. In other words, this guild was the best and almost everyone wants to get in- despite it being the 4th best guild. That's the result of Natsu and Grays creation and experiences. A close to perfect guild.

Natsu beamed as he stared at the guild he worked so hard on. Gray, who was close to him, then Smiled. "Its amazing isn't it..." Gray muttered with small smile. Natsu agreed. This guild was his soul, his life and everything else. "Yeah... We should head in. Diane wanted to see us." Natsu said as he turned to Gray. Gray nodded affirmatively and they walked towards the entrance of the guild.

  As Natsu and Gray walked into the guild they were greeted by a chorus of hellos. "Natsu!" a small girl with long purple hair ran up to them. She was filled with spirit as always, Natsu thought. "Hey, Sal! Wheres Anna?" Natsu asked.
The young girl called sal Jumped up and down with excitement. "Anna is already in the council room!" Sal said pointing to the door.

Natsu bent down and ruffled Sal's hair. "thanks, kiddo!" He said as she giggled and ran off. "she idolized you." Gray mentioned. Natsu sighed. He never liked all the attention. Sorcerer weekly is determined to get one interview or picture of dragon heart but Natsu always shooed them away not wanting the questions about his old guild. Natsu frowned. His old guild... Fairy Tail. His thoughts grew dark.

'why did they kick me out? why me? Why did they frame me?! do they hate me? I wonder what would happen if I just--'
Suddenly Natsu felt a warm--cold(?) hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about them." he heard Gray whisper to him. Natsu began to calm down. "yeah.... your right..."   He said taking a deep breath. Natsu then grinned his usual wild and reckless smile. "Alright, Let's go!" Natsu said Bolting to the council room. As Natsu Barged into the council room he was met with the familiar sight of the large Dark wood table and Large throne-like seats. He saw his friend Diane sitting at the end of the table along with Anna and Kaden.

"About time you guys showed up!" Kaden said crossing his arms. Kaden wore a simple white dress shirt and tie along with plain dark blue jeans and a black headband so he could read. Natsu Scratched the back of neck awkwardly. "yeahhh sorry!" Natsu said sitting down at the head of the table.

Diane was occupied doing paperwork, and gray sat down in the seat closest to Natsu. "We had some trouble on the way here," Gray admitted. Natsu agreed, it was called avoiding reporters. Natsu chuckled to himself. "Well, anyways the reason we called the council together..." Anna said taking control of the council discussion. Anna ran her hand through her long blackish-brown hair. Her large brown eyes showed slight nervousness and she wore a long black and red cloak with a red and black dress. 

Natsu sighed and he began to fiddle with his scarf. He hated these stupid meetings. He was no help, he just enjoys a good fight. All this conflict between guilds and city problems are brought to the guild now and since There is no absolute leader the entire council have to get together just to resolve it. It's annoying, yes, but Natsu can tolerate it.

"And last of all the most important problem..." Anna said cautiously. "Fairy Tail has challenged us to a Guild War." She said eyeing Natsu. Natsu froze. "Why." He asked immediately. "They-" Anna paused as she couldn't seem to make eye contact with anyone. "I-- I provoked them and now...They want to have a full blown 5 Day War between guilds." She said.
Gray growled and black marks began to grow on his face.

It was normal when he was worked up or about to battle Natsu thought.
"What do those idiots want with us?" Gray asked sternly.
Anna sighed and looked at her clipboard, "They want to bet guildmates." She said looking down.
Natsu stood up "what!?" Natsu stared wide-eyed. Betting guildmates. It's the worst thing guilds can do. 

Natsu growled as he thought. "What could they want?!" Natsu yelled filled with rage. "Probably want us back right?" Gray answered. Anna nodded sadly as she looked down and held the clipboard she was holding close to her chest.

 "They asked to meet us anywhere... They want to talk about the 'war' first." Anna said. The room was silent. There was an uneasy aura floating around the room-- the feelings of dread, sadness, and pity.

Natsu smashed his hand on the table. "Bring em' here," Natsu said grinning. Everyone looked at him. "That's absurd! You can't bring lowly people like them close to our guild! What if they hurt sal or Jackson or even worse-- HURT ONE OF US!?" Kaden shouted as he grabbed Natsu. Natsu grinned and lightly pushed Kaden. He ran his hand through his hair which pushed his bangs up.

"I'm all fired up! If they start a war... Then I get to beat all of them into the ground! I'll Teach them that I don't need them anymore!" Natsu yelled. Gray only smiled and then laughed "Well, that's our Natsu." Gray said smirking.

 "Hehe now. Anna go send em' a message-- We accept their invitation! Let's give it all we got!" Natsu said as fire sprouted from his fists and mouth. Kaden sighed and then smiled. "Alright. Your right. Let's do this." Kaden said as he smiled and crossed his arms.

Diane looked up from her papers. "Okee, I'll fight as well," she said giving them a cheeky smile. Anna sighed "you all are crazy. But whatever! This is gonna be awesome!" She yelled as she pumped her fist in the air.
"so...Who's telling the guide mates?" Kaden asked. Everyone turned to him. "What?" He said staring at everyone. "Oh. Well fu--"


Hope you enjoyed that chapter!

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