Chapter Ten

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The next day after we had all rested from the trauma of the day before, Michonne joined me and Maggie outside where Maggie showed us the bin of guns she had collected. "I know that Negan's gone but there could still be more people lurking outside wanting to kill us. We need protection." Maggie told us and I sighed. I hadn't told them that that wasn't Negan because so much had happened yesterday I didn't want to bring myself to do it.

"We haven't killed Negan," I commented and they both turned to me. "When we were held captive yesterday and I was interrogated by one of them. I got some information out of them. Negan is a slave driver. All those he has working for him must call themselves Negan. So the guy that Rick killed yesterday may not be the real Negan and I don't think he was. He didn't put up a fight. Someone with those standards would definitely want to fight. We need protection now more than ever." I explained to them and I saw them contemplating what I had just said.

"We have to tell Rick about this. But in the meantime, we need to put hidden caches of guns throughout the community so they're easy to get to if we need them in case of an attack instead off having to go to the infirmary to get them." Michonne said and we both agree. "But for now, Lexi please make sure Maggie gets something to eat, she's looking awfully pale." She said and walked away.

"Come on, you heard her lets go." I said and dragged her to the pantry to eat some food. I knew she had a shift later on the wall but I was concerned by how ill and weak she was looking. We found Enid in the Pantry helping herself to a little chocolate.

"Woah, Maggie are you okay?" She asked concerned and Maggie nodded tiredly.

"I'm fine Enid. I just need to eat something." She told her and I rolled my eyes shaking my head at Enid who caught my eye.

"Well why don't I take your shift for you and you can get some rest okay?" Enid offered and Maggie shook her head.

"No it's okay, I can do it. I don't want to take up any of your free time." Maggie told her.

"You're not. Please I want to do it. Just rest ,, just this once." Enid begged and I could see Maggie about to cave.

"I'll help her Maggie. You don't have to worry. You need to rest and then we can talk okay?" She nodded and sighed.

"Okay." She headed back towards the house as me and Enid took our place on top of the later at the watch tower watching over the community and outside the walls.

"You know, You spend a lot of time with Maggie and I still don't know that much about you." I told her with a smile.

"I know it's weird. You're like her best friend or something." She replied.

"I used to have a crush on Maggie. When I first met her at her family farm. I had a huge crush on her and she knew about it too." I told Enid and she smiled.

"How did she act?"

"Liek you would expect but she found Glenn and I found my girlfriend and we were both happy. So it all worked out." I told her. "What about you? You're young. Any boyfriends on the scene?" I asked her. I wanted to get to know her as well as possible beause she was important to Maggie and Glenn. They both had a soft spot for Enid and I wanted to know why.

"No, No boyfriend. I mean Ron was kindamy boyfriend but he wasn't the person I thought he was after he tried to Kill Rick and shot our Carl's eye." She said and I nodded in unnderstanding. "But I guess I've been spending a lot of time with Carl and I kinda like his company." She added sheepishly.

"You don't have to be embarassed. I think it's sweet. Carls a great guy and I can tell you that because I've seen him grow. He came to the farm as a boy who had been shot in a hunting accident who was weak and frail but the minute he healed he was eager to learn how to survive and I saw him become gentle with his babysister and he shot his own Mom in when she died giving birth. I was there and so was Maggie. He's come such a long way and I know he'll be good for you if you ever try to persue it." I rambled. Carl was a great guy and I wannted Enid to know that. She deserved a great guy and he deserves a great girl. There was no reply just a smile etched on her face. 

We watched over the wall as Rick returned to Alexandria walls and the gate was opened by Pete. "I'll be right back." I said to Enid and climmbed down the ladder jogging over to Rick at the gate. "Michonnes not back yet." I told him. "I think Negan may have had something to do with this." I told him.

"Negan's dead. You saw me kill him." Rick told me and I shook my head grabbing his shoulders.

"No, while we were abducted, I found out that everyone who works for Negan is under contract to call themselves Negan. The guy you killed had to say that because he's a slave. Negan is a slave driver and he has everyone who works for him called Negan." I explained and his face drained of colour.

"We need to go find her." He said and I nodded.

"I agree, but we need to wait a while and see if she comes back before tonight if not first thing tomorrow we go searching. We don't know if she's just taking longer than she intended but we'll find out soon enough okay?" I said and he nodded before walking off over to where Carl and Judith were sat on a hedge of grass. I sighed and called up to Enid. "Hey, Maggie's shifts over. Rosita's taking over." She climbed down and we headed over to see Maggie and to see if she felt any better after her rest.

"Hey, How're you feeling?" I asked Maggie once I saw her awake laid on the couch.

"Like I'm in need of a change." She said and looked to Enid. "Can you cut my hair?" She asked and Enid nodded heading to the kitchen to get the scissors and a comb.

"How short?" Enid asked as Maggie took a seat.

"As short as you think will suit me." She said and said there patiently waiting for Enid to begin cutting her hair. I sat opposite Maggie while Enid got to walk and the three of us were talking about everything and anything which was a good think because we were in desperate need of girl talk and we finally got it.

I teased Enid about her crush on Carl which Maggie laughed at and almost of a messed up hair cut. We were just having fun together, just the three of us. Enid passed Maggie a Mirror. "What do you think?" She asked nervously.

"I love it." She said and then looked at me seriously. "No matter what happens. I have to keep going. I've got this baby to think about now. That's all that really matters right?" I nodded in agreement and reached for her hand over the table. "I don't want anything getting in my way." She added and suddenly before I could react to what was happening, Maggie doubled over in pain and then to Enid and my shock she collapsed on the floor screaming in pain. I looked at Enid. What just happened.

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