Harry Styles 5

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"Well?"  Liam rushed.  

"Do I have to guess?" She whispered

  "Yes" Zayn encouraged.

  "Well.. um...." she fiddled with her hands nervously. She knew who it was but how does she just say it.

  "Come on!" Niall whined.  


  The crowd gasped and Harry stepped forward from the line they had formed.

  "I guess I'm bad at acting" He smiled his dazzling smile.  

The crowd goes wild and the buys behind us burst into their last song 'Moments' and she just looked into Harry's eyes and he looked into hers. He smirked and held out his hand and she took it without thinking twice. They began dancing and twirling around the stage. She put her head on his shoulder and it was a perfect fit. He rested his chin on her head. When the song ended the boys all said goodbye with Harry still holding her hand. They went behind the stage and the boys burst out laughing. "Good show" the congratulated each other. Keana felt out of place and awkward until Harry came back to her side. 

  "Here, this is my number and would you be free tomorrow night?" He asked, handing her a slip of paper.  

"Yeah" she blushed.  

"Great" He put on a silly smile.   

Then before she could say anything else, he was leaning down, kissing her lightly on the lips. He quickly pulled away and blushed. He bowed and said goodnight and then she was escorted to the front of the building where she saw Ally sitting on a bench texting someone. Probably starting some gossip.

  "Hey" Keana said awkwardly.  

"OMG Hey" she yelled back. "That was so unexpected!"

  "I know" she smiled and looked down at the paper with his number on it.

  "Well your mom just pulled up so we should go now" she smiled.  

Keana was so relieved that she wasn't mad at her. They drove in silence since it was 11 and everyone was tired. They dropped Ally off at her house  and the next thing she knew, she was asleep in her own room.

 Keana stretch her arms out and yawned loudly. She opened one eye and pull her phone to her face. 11:00..... 11!!! She screamed and fell on the floor looking for the pants she wore last night which she left Harry's number in. She manage to find them and whipped out her phone.

  'Hey' she send quickly  

'Hey, I thought you forgot about me ;)' he replies.

  'I think last night was a bit unforgettable'

  'Oh so do u want to hang out tonight?'

  'Yeah. sounds fun.'

  'Ok I will c u at 6?'  

'Sure. ttyl'

  She smiled at the thought of being alone with Harry Styles. This will be unforgettable for sure! She Wondered how Ally is taking all of this! She thought as she got dressed in her jeans and favourite sweater. Its like her first date all over again! Panicking to find clothes and money. She laughed to herself and smiled as she remembered everything that happened last night. His smile. The songs. The kiss. Everything she has ever dreamed about was coming true!  

"Honey, Ally is on the phone!" Her mom yelled up the stairs.

 She reached for the phone and pull it to her ear. "Hello?"  

Some say it was Fate! (One Direction fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now