Together forever

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"I do!" Whitney smiled.

"I announce you, Husband and wife! You may kiss the bride." The priest said.

Zayn kissed Whitney and the audience cheered. Alice and Louis stood in the front row with their two kids, Annabelle and Lucas. Keana tried to stand up and clap but Harry had to help her because of her bloated stomach, the baby was due any day. Rose and Niall looked down at their hand that were linked together with their engagement rings and smiled. Berta and Liam were already married just like Alice and Louis, and Keana and Harry but they didn't have any kids yet.

Whitney and Zayn skipped back out the door and the rest of their group followed. They all got into a limo and shared a champagne.

"Cheers to the bride and groom!" Louis raised his glass.

They all clinked then started talking about their honey moon they had planned. Once they got to the hotel, Whitney and Zayn planned to go then. For a while they drove then Rose screamed,

"Their is water all over the floor!"

Keana looked at Harry wide eyed in fear.

"Driver! Please take us to the nearest hospital!" Berta Screamed.

"It's okay Keana, just breath. We got you." Harry calmed.

When they got to the hospital she was rushed in a room with doctors and nurses and Harry. The rest stayed out side and waited for about an hour.

"Mommy, Is auntie Styles okay?" Annabelle asked.

"Yes, she is just about to give us your baby cousin." Alice smiled.

Harry walked out, his eyes puffy and red. They stood in silence for a moment then he started to smile.

"He is here" he whispered.

They all rushed into the room and saw Keana holding a tiny boy in her arms.

"Zayn! Whitney! You guys are sopposed to go on your honey moon!" She glared.

"We had to hold our Nephew first," Whitney smiled and picked up the baby.

He had very little hair but they could tell it was brown and he had hazel eyes. He took his mothers nose and his daddy's lips. They all passed him around until Whitney and Zayn said good bye and went on their honey moon. 

Before they left Zayn went to Keana and said, "This made our wedding ten times more exciting. Thank you!"

Keana just smiled then fell asleep when everyone but Harry left.

Every one got into a limo and went home. They drove two hours then arrived at the five houses they owned that were side by side. Alice and Louis took their kids to bed then they all met out side in Berta and Liam's backyard. They watched the stars and talked about their day.

"Remeber Harry and Keana's wedding? It was in mexico and Keana wasn't pregnant yet." Rose smiled.

"Yeah and Louis and Alice, you guys had a big wedding in a church like Zayn and Whitney just did." Liam added.

"And Niall, you propossed to Rose over Nandos which made everyone laugh."  Berta giggled.

"But you and Liam had a cool wedding too it was just smaller," Niall teased back.

They all sighed then headed back to their houses. It had been a wonderful journey to where they all are today. After the two weeks in L.A. the boys never looked at any girl like they did to these ones. They were all in love and had great friendships. 

That is my happy ending and I hope you enjoyed this book!

                                                                         THE END

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