Louis Tomlinson 4

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The next day was Louis last full day in California. Tomorrow he left a lunch time. She didn't know what they were planning on doing but she hoped it would be fun. She went to meet him at the club again but he was running late so she had to wait a few extra minutes. She picked up her magazine that had Niall Horan on the front, kissing some girl. She read the story about how they were running away from fans and then got 'caught in the moment'. She smiled and thought about how the girl on the cover must feel just as lucky as she did with Louis.

When he finally arrived they headed to the beach where he had rented a boat for them to go fishing on. The boat was white and had purple sea animals painted on the side. They set sail and when the shore line was just out of view they stopped and pulled out the fishing rods.

"I'm glad you like Fishing." Louis said.

"Well I think this is a good way to spend a day. On a boat at sea." She smiled.

"Well I guess we could go swimming too!" He smirked.

"But I don't have a bathing suit!" 

"Go in your clothes! Its not like the water is poisoned!"

She laughed and said "Sorry, I ain't going i-"

He cut her off by picking her up and throwing her over board. She laughed and he jumped in to. They swam around and splashed each other until it was lunch and they wanted to eat the sandwiches Louis packed. Once they were done eating they just stayed on board and talked.

Soon the sun started setting and she knew they were going to have to go in soon. Louis brought them back in slowly so that they could spend a little more time together.

Once back at the cars they were just saying good bye when Louis bent down to kiss her. She awkwardly walked away because she didn't know if she was ready for this yet. She waved good bye then left feeling guilty.

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