Niall Horan 1

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It was a sunny after noon and Rosalina was sitting on her porch sun tanning. Her blond hair was tied back in a bun and her bright blue eyes where covered with Gucci sun glasses. It had been an hour since she started tanning so she decided it was time to go back inside. She went to make a lass of tea but when she opened the package, it was empty. She sighed in frustration and decided to walk to the coffee shop around the corner. She put on a mid-drift tank-top and jean shorts to cover her bikini then plugged in her head phones. She blasted 'I wish' into her ears and walked out the door.

She pushed open the door to the small coffee shop and took a seat in the back. A waitress walked over and she asked for a green tea. She waited while she texted her friends until her tea came piping hot.  She took a sip and looked around the shop. Their was a couple sitting near the front, a mom and a child at the cashier and a blond boy who looked about her age sitting two tables away. He was writing something down and looked like he was concentrating very hard. She studied him carefully.His eyes where bright blue and he had blond hair. He was wearing a blue shirt with lght brown pants and white sneakers. She thought for a moment then decided to go start conversation with him. She stood up and picked up her tea to bring with her. Slyly she sat down beside him.

"Hey" she smiled.

"Oh, Hello" He laughed."I'm sorry do I know you?"

"Nope. I just wanted to see what you where writing. You looked very interested in it." She said.

"Oh, well I'm writing a song but I'm stuck....would you like to help me?" He asked.

"I would love too!" She smiled. "Sing what you have so far!"

The boy cleared his throat and sang a few lines, "Its not me its not you, it's not me, there's a reason. I'm just trying to read the signals I'm receiving. Its like stone on fire, can you feel it? I don't know about you girl but I believe it." His sang quietly.

"Thats beautiful! Whats it called?" 

"Another World. Its actually for a band I'm in, you might have heard of them."

"Oh, that's cool!" 

"Yeah" He smiled.

She took a sip of her tea and thought for a moment. "What if the next line was 'Words will just be words, till you bring them to life. I'll lift you up, I'll never stop. You know I'll take you to another world.' "

"Brilliant! And then 'I'll build you up, I'll never stop. You know I'll take you to another world.' " He suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds great! And I'm sorry but whats your name?" She asked.

'Oh I'm Niall, Niall Horan." He held out his hand for her to shake.

"Wait, THE Niall Horan? Like, from one direction?" She froze.

"Yup! That's the band I'm with!" He smiled.

"Wow, now I really feel like an idiot for approaching you like this!" She laughed. 

"Don't! Im glad you did. This was very fun.....?"

"Oh, sorry. I'm Rosalina," she laughed.

"Nice to meet you. Can I call you Rose?"

She nodded and they continued to talk for the next hour. She ordered another tea and so did he. They drink until it was six and she decided she had to go. She waved goodbye but just before she was about to leave he stopped her.

"Could we meet here tomorrow at this time again? He asked.

"Sure! That sounds good!" Rose smiled. "I'll see you then" and then she left. With butterflies in her stomach she walked home.

Some say it was Fate! (One Direction fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now