Niall Horan 5

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Rose opened the door and the morning air danced around her. She picked up the news paper and choked on her toast after reading the first head line. Sure enough, It said 'Niall Horan with small town girl!' She rolled her eyes and recycled the paper. They weren't actually dating! They were just really good friends that shared one kiss!

She finished her toast and changed into some shorts and a t-shirt. She decided to walk to the coffee shop then to Niall's house. As she walked past people, they would stare and then whisper to each other. Obviously everyone saw the news paper this morning. She walked into the coffee shop and saw a man reading the newspaper. She tried to avoid all of the questioning eyes but she was starting to feel uncomfortable. She ordered two green teas to go and continued on her way to Niall's. She was almost there when two teenage girls stopped her and asked for her autograph. She smiled and signed their magazines which also had their picture on it.

Finally she got to Niall's door and was about to knock when suddenly the door opened and he pulled her in quickly. "Have you seen the paper?" He asked worried.

"Yeah why whats wrong?'' She asked.

"I just don't want anyone giving you a hard time, that's all." He whispered.

Zayn then walked in and smiled, "hey love birds!" He laughed.

Rose tried not to laugh when Niall gave him a death stare.

"Oh sorry!" He suddenly said, "I will leave now!''

He left the building and Rose laughed. Niall smirked and walked over to her. "So your surprise is coming! It should be here any minute!" He said.

They took a seat and then the door bell rang. He got up and opened it. She saw him sign a form the a ton of guys walked in carrying flowers. They put them all over the room and handed some to Rose. All the flowers where different colored roses. By the time the last guy left, the room smelled lovely. Rose smiled at Niall.

"Read the card!" He said.

She pulled a purple card off of the flowers she was holding and read it out loud, "Rosalina, The white roses show our friendship and how much it has grown over such little time. The yellow roses show how much I miss you when you are away. The pink roses show how much I think of you. The blue roses show how many memories we have made together. The red roses show how much I love you. Something I couldn't show with roses was these questions. Would you come to L.A. with us? And can I officially say that you are my girlfriend and I am your boyfriend? Pick up a red flower for yes. Pick a white for no."

She looked at the roses in her hand. Half were red and half were white. She sat quietly for a moment then reached down to the flowers. Delicately, she picked up a red rose brought it to her noes to smell. She looked at Niall who had a huge smile on his face. He ran over and kissed her softly. When he stepped back and looked around at all the flowers.

"What do you want to do with them?" He asked.

"How about we divide each of the colors in half and half stay with you and half come with me?" She smiled.

"Well I leave soon so I cant keep all of them but what if i take one of each color with me to remind me of you?" He said.

She nodded and hugged him again. She did love him and she couoldn't wait to go to L.A.!

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