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No one knows ~ adore55

It was safe to say that Kurt Hummel was head over heels in love. Kurt knew it, his dad knew it, his boyfriend knew it, heck, even the glee club who didn't know if he was actually dating anyone knew it.

But the glee club, being the only people on the 'list of people who knew it' who didn't actually know it, grouped together to come up with a plan. A plan to have their wonderings answered once and for all.

They called it; "Project: Find Out If Kurt is Dating Anyone or Just Crushing or Something"... the name was a work in progress.

They had Mercedes following Kurt around school and asking if he was doing anything over the weekend, seeing as she was the most inconspicuous; the girl was his best friend, come on.

Then there was Artie who had the role of asking Kurt if he'd be open for kissing someone in his new upcoming movie.

Finn was to watch Kurt's behaviour at home and to pay special attention to when, why and how often Kurt left the house.

Rachel was told to ask Kurt if he was still planning on moving to New York, and if he still wanted to live with he.

Then there was Mike and Tina, who had to increase their usual amount of love and sappiness when they were around Kurt, had no problem with their task.

Santana came up with her own responsibility which was to question Kurt incessantly on his sex life.

Quinn and Brittany volunteered to visit Dalton, the previous school Kurt had stayed at when Karofsky's bullying got to be too much.

And finally, there was Puck who was to pick the lock on Kurt's locker and to look for any signs of a possible boyfriend or relationship.

Mercedes, being the founder and fearless leader of 'Project: Find Out If Kurt is Dating Anyone or Just Crushing or Something' or FOIKIDAOJCOS for short... er, created a group chat on WhatsApp and added everyone in the glee club, excluding Kurt, to the group chat where they each typed up their findings.

From Mercedes:
Kurt is busy all weekend. He's only free on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

From Artie:
Kurt says he'd love to have the role but he'd have to "make sure" he'd be able to kiss someone else

From Mike:
Kurt seems jealous and lonely when we amp up our love

From Tina:
Yeah, he'd walk off afterward and call someone. We couldn't find out who.

From Finn:
Like Mercedes said, he was only home on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. He said he was just visiting a friend on the weekend and Friday and that he had plans with Mercedes on Wednesday.

From Mercedes:
We didn't plan to or do anything on Wednesday

Lady lips still seems like he has a hold on his v-card but he seems slightly less reluctant to let go of it.

From Finn:
Well if he wasn't going out with you on Wednesday then he was lying!

From Santana:
How you ever got so smart we will never know.

From Rachel:
Kurt's still willing to go to New York but he seems slightly hesitant when I asked if we would live together.

From Santana:
How confusing. Who wouldn't want to live with you.

From Quinn:
Be nice San. The Dalton boys all seem really nice and they tried to help but they couldn't. They don't know anything either.

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