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Trigger warning: mentions of suicidal thoughts

Liar ~ thereekofgleek

"Mr. Shue, I mean - I know we're a little dramatic sometimes, but I don't think anyone would ever consider taking their own life."

At Mercedes' words, Mr. Schue glanced around the circle, taking in the faces of each of his students. They all seemed completely sincere as they agreed with Mercedes. All except-

"I did."

The two words seemed to echo around the auditorium, the group sat on the stage going completely silent as confused and shocked faces turned towards the short boy with hazel eyes, gelled down hair and a charming smile who was picking at the hem of his trousers, avoiding eye contact.

"At my old school, before Dalton, there was this- this Sadie Hawkins dance and I had just come out of the closet about 3 weeks before. My friend, who had been out since before I met him, and I decided to go together as friends- he was called Jack. Y'know, we-we had a great time and all, we danced and joked around and we were having just as much fun as any of other couples or friends going together. No one said anything, everyone seemed pretty accepting and just ignored us for the most part." Blaine cleared his throat, still picking at his jeans and avoiding meeting the eyes of his friends, "Um, after the dance it was really dark and cold so we got Jack's dad to pick us up. While we were waiting these three guys who had been picking on me since I joined came up to us and started- well, they beat the living crap out of us to put it simply."

Blaine heard the collective gasp of the glee club which made him glance up, taking in their sympathetic faces. Just what he needed; their sympathy and pity. Great.

"We- I was in hospital for no longer than 4 weeks. I suffered a few broken ribs and a concussion. I never heard from Jack after that, from what I pieced together, his parents dragged him away to another state and no one heard from him again." Blaine's voice cracked, the boy swallowing thickly as he tried to regain a hold on his emotions, "I remember when I was finally allowed to go home and the first thing I did was call Jack. He answered right away and told me not to call him or try to contact him at all. I just- I looked up to him, y'know? He supported me and took me under his wing when I came out. He gave me advice and everything and- and to hear someone I considered not only my best friend, but a role model, tell me to leave them alone well- well I couldn't help but blame myself."

"It wasn't your fault, Bl-"

Blaine shook his head, holding up a hand to silence Sam, reassuring him that it was okay, before continuing with his story, "My Mom was really suffering, my dad was constantly away and my brother was in New York trying to pursue his acting career and now she had to look after me. I could tell how much strain it put on her but no matter how often I told her I was fine, she wouldn't rest. About a month later I transferred to Dalton because the bullying had gotten so much worse and I just couldn't bare it anymore. I thought it would stop once I was there but they just- they kept sending me those- those messages. Texts and Facebook messages telling me that I- that I wasn't good enough and that I should kill- well, I listened to them." Blaine shook his head, biting his bottom lips hard, "I listened and believed every single one of those messages. So I- one day, my mom was going to be home late. I went into school to perform with the Warblers for the- the last time. I was ready, i knew how I was going to do it, I knew when I was going to do it, it was all I could think about."

Blaine looked up now, finding Tina and Mercedes clinging to each other, tears staining their cheeks. Finn, Puck and Mike weren't even looking at him, each one of them were staring, open mouthed at the floor, thoughtful and shocked expressions on their faces.

"I suggested to the Warblers that we throw and impromptu performance of Teenage Dream by Katy Perry. I was making my way to the common room when a boy stopped me. I- I had never seen him before and he claimed to be new." Blaine laughed, the sound coming out strangled as he fought back his tears, "He was just- he just looked so beautiful as he stood there, looking down at me from the stairs. I don't know what compelled me to do so, but I grabbed his hand and we ran down a corridor and when I began singing, I unashamedly sang the song right at him." Blaine heard a choked laugh followed by a sniff and he glanced up, finding Kurt smiling tearfully at him. Blaine smiled back, feeling himself relax a bit, "After the performance two of my friends and I invited the boy for coffee to discuss how obvious it was that he wasn't a student. However, I wasn't expecting him to be in the exact same situation as me only weeks before Sadie Hawkins. He told me of how he was being bullied and I- I suddenly wanted to protect, I wanted to make sure no one cause him any harm."

Blaine smiled softly, wiping an escaped tear as he glanced up to his boyfriend who was watching him intently, a small, knowing smile on his lips.

"Kurt," Blaine whispered, "It's because of you I'm still here and I-"

Kurt stood up, clambering across the middle of the circle and Blaine leapt up to meet the boy in a fierce hug, Blaine turning his nose down to bury his face in the crook of Kurt's neck, letting a few silent sobs wrack his body as his boyfriend held him close, promising to never let him go, to never say goodbye to him. And Blaine obviously felt the same.

Urgh. Why is this what my mind goes to when I read "Liar"

I'm very sorry thereekofgleek because there's nothing to do with lies in this. I did this to start with because I was thinking of one of them self harming but hiding/lying about it but then it turned into this.

But you don't like klaine so idgaf. Everyone boo thereekofgleek


Also, sorry for this being so late guys. I have no excuse other than that I'm a professional slacker and procrastinator. I'm also extremely tired soooo bare with this monstrosity

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