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A/N: Story told in my perspective-I'm the main character. But I use an alias instead of my real name. All rights go to Disney and Uncle Rick. I own nothing except for the plot and me. :)

I sat back on the couch, feet propped up on the table in front of me. Quicksilver, my pet wolf, lay next to me, serving as a warm-and furry-armrest.

"Ready for another boring night?" I asked her, stroking her head as she yawned.

Chuckling, I picked up the remote and flipped through Netflix, looking for something good to watch. I immediately stopped when I spotted Newsies. 

"Huh. That's weird. They don't usually play movies from the 1900's do they?" I joked, looking at Quicksilver. She just stared back at me with her blue eyes*. 

"Awwww, what am I sayin'? It's Newsies! How could I not watch it?"

I click on it, but instead of going to the movie, the screen goes white. Scowling, I get up, startling Quicksilver, who yips as she rolls off the couch.

"I was looking forward to watching Newsies, and what do I get?" I grumble. "Some technical difficulties."

I raise my hand to turn off the T.V. to fix it, and it accidentally brushes the against the screen. But instead of feeling a hard surface, my fingertips sink into it. I quickly jerk my hand away in surprise.

"No way." I gasp. I immediately grab my bow and quiver full of arrows. "No freaking way. It does not....."

I backed up from the T.V., getting a running start to jump in. I motion for Quicksilver to follow me.

"3...2...1." I count, then run at the T.V. and jump through. The last thing I heard before going through was Quicksilver's frightened whimper.

*Yes, I know wolves do not have blue eyes. But in writing, anything can happen, and Quicksilver is special, so.....yeah. 

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