Chapter Two: Friends

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Towards the middle of the summer I made a couple of friends named Aspen and Ripley. They're sisters actually. We've hung out almost every day since we met at the fair. I really enjoy their company. They don't look scared and disgusted when they look at me. They just seem curious. I like that about them. I also like that they're funny and enjoyable. We have a great time. 

1 New Text Message

From: AspenBrookIsATrashcan01

>Hey. Wanna come over and watch a movie?

1 New Text Message

From: RaineBensonCP0_0

Of course. Have you and Ripley found out what school you got in to?<

1 New Text Message

From: AspenBrookIsATrashcan01

>Ah. I think West Shores High School.

1 New Text Message

From: RaineBensonCP0_0

Bummer. I'm going to Grandview High. Anyways, I'll be over in 10.<

1 New Text Message

From: AspenBrookIsATrashcan01

>No way! Ripley is going there! I hear it's one of the best and hardest schools to get into.

I shut my laptop and grabbed my canes. I wobbly stood up. I grabbed my jacket and slung it over my shoulder.

"Mom! I'm going over to Aspen and Ripley's!" I shouted as I hurried down the stairs and reached the front door.

"Okay, sweets! Do you need any medicine or anything?" My Mom said from the dining room. She was most likely drinking coffee and reading a Better Homes And Gardens magazine.

"No. I'll be fine. They have Tylenol there."

"Okay. Have fun!"

Me and my Mom had talked about not babying me and now that she doesn't. I kind of miss it, but I also kind of don't. 

I walked out the front door and down the block. I could feel the faces of everyone on my leg. I pretended not to notice. That's one of the best things I'm good at. Pretending. Since I was a baby. I had even thought about saying that something cool resulted in the losing of my leg. Not that I ever did.

In about two minutes I was standing face to face with Aspen and Ripley, ushering me in. I stepped inside. 

"Oh, hello Raine!" Mrs. Brook exclaimed. She ran up to me and kissed my cheeks and hugged me. "Its been ages, darling! You look gorgeous."

"Oh. Well, just my normal outfit."

"Then your normal outfit is very pretty."

"Thank you." I said as Aspen and Ripley linked their arms through mine.

"We missed you!"

"It's only been two weeks!"

"That's two weeks too many." Aspen proclaimed. Ripley took my canes and Aspen helped me up the stairs and into their room. As soon as we walked into their room, they bombarded me with hugs.

"I just thought of something," Ripley said. "Why don't you have a prosthetic leg?"

"Well, its been an option, but it just costs so much money."

"Hm," Aspen hummed. "Then I know what I'm getting you for your birthday!"

"Oh," I blurted. "You don't have to. I'm fine without a prosthetic."

"It's clear that you aren't." Aspen said.

"Yes," Ripley agreed. "It's the least we could do. You've been so kind to us."

"Also," Aspen added. "When do you have your next surgery?"

"Um, I'm not sure." I looked at my leg. 

"Are you ready for school?" Ripley asked.

"Eh, I've never been to public school before." I confessed. "Besides, it's high school."

"Yeah! That's the fun part!" Aspen and Ripley beamed. Ripley looked at me. 

"Speaking of fun, we have something for you." Ripley exulted. "Stay here. I'll be back."

Please comment what you want to happen in this story. I hope you are enjoying this. (Give some constructive criticism as well)

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