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1st Pov. Louise

I gasped as my butt landed on the ground. I stared up angrily at Emmett as he wore a annoyed face.

I rolledbmy eyes and stood, dusting off my clothes as I turned to see the back of Charlie's house.

I glanced back at him, and walked towards the house.

"Why won't you ever listen?" He asked, as I reached the back door steps.

"Because I'm not some person you cam put a leash on. I do what I want, fir my own self. I'm not ordered around." I yelled back, as he rolled his eyes this time and crossed his arms.

"I don't expect you to be. I just want you to listen when your in danger." He tried, and I shook my head.

"Don't worry about me, Emmett. I shouldn't even be the skughtest priority." I said, and turned to walk back to the porch.

"Too late." He said, and followed after me, I paused and turned to face him.

"No! It's not too late. You are with another girl! I should be nothing. Nit even a friend!v I yelled, and his jaw tensed as he stared into me.

"Its too late. You're in everything now." He said softly, and my resolve cracked.

"Leave me alone, Emmett. If they come for me, let them come. Just leave me alone." I finished, and he looked at the ground.

I gassed again as his arms enveloped around me and I was lifted from the ground.

"Ugh!" I groaned as I flew onto my bed, and scrambled to sit up.

"Get packed. You're going with Bella." He said, nd walked into my closet.

"No, I just sai-"

"Now!" He yelled, and I silenced quickly. I stood slowly and reached for the bags from his hands.

I stuffed them with essentials for a week, as he stood away from me, like stone.

I zipped up NY one bag, and quickly exited the room. I rushed past Charlie as Bella yelled the sane words her neither told us.

I threw my bag in the back of the truck, and attached the tarp to the back of it, covering the inside of it.

I laid a dry sleeping back under the tarp as the rain began to settle in.

I slid under the tarp pulling the tale gate closed, and laying on the bag. I felt a shift, and glanced to see Emmett laying next to me.

I looked away and turned away, trying to forget his close proximity.

"We're going back to my house." He mutter SD quietly, as I nodded and stayed away.


Emmett grabbed deny hand as he helped me jump to the ground.

"We'll meet you inside." Edward said lughtky as he stared at me. I gave him a puzzled look, as I walked after Emmett.

He glanced at me as we stepped up the stairs, turning to walk towards the garage.

I paused as Roselie glared at us. I moved away from him towards Bella, and he tensed his cmhaw to stop something.

I looked back at him, and climbed into the car with her, Jasper, and Alice.

"I'll keep her safe." Jasper whispered to E.mett as he glanced at me.

I stared at him in slight shock as Jasper pulled out and began to drive away.

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