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1st Pov. Louisa

I sat next to Bella, the truck slwoign to a stop. My body was still on edge, as I looked up. There stood Edward, dressed in the same suit as last night.

I looked past him to also see Emmett waiting.

I climbed out and jigged past them into the woods, chasing after Emmett's fleeting body.

I ram for hours as he slowed finally to the same clearing form earlier this summer.

It was beginning to wilt and die, the once bright opening covered dark. The moonlight poured on them as she stared at his sparkling figure.

"We're leaving, tonight." He said quietly, my ears stretched to hear him.

"Does that mean just you family?" I asked, and he nodded lightly.

"Then, why are you here? Leave, it has never stopped you before." I said, and regret coursed through my body.

"How about I make it simple for you." I paused, letting my mouth run before I could stop it.

3rd Pov. Louisa

"You know, I could vanish like that." She snapped her fingers, and he glanced at her hand.

"Then do it." He said and breathed in quiet small breaths.
"What?" She rhetorically asked and he glared at her.

"Do it. Do it now, so I can live in misery easier." She glanced to the ground and a tear slid down her cheek.

"Okay." She whispered and the mist rolled in, and she was gone. He stared up at the moon through the trees and mist, and shook his head.

"Okay." He whispered back.


1st Pov. Louisa

I stood in my now empty room, a cab was parked down at the end of the street. Charlie ah the entire squad of police and friends hovering the house searching for Bella.

I knew she was okay, well her body anyways.

I quickly scribbled a note for her and sat it on her night stand. I oasued as I threw my last bag down outside my window.

I climbed from the window and stepped onto the tree branch close to my room.

I crawled down I quietly only to feel a pair of hands touch her waist.

I jumped, and saw Jacob helping me down. He gave me a sad smile and I hugged him tightly.

He grabbed some of her bags and helped her pack them into the taxi shuttle.

I glanced back and saw Bella appear from a far distance.

"Watch over her. Please. If you need anything, find me." I said, and climbed into the shuttle.

I slowly began to drive away as he ran back towards Bella.

As I ran from her, them, everything I wanted, had, and would never get back.

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