Post-New Moon - °20°

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1st Pov. Louise

I stared up in the sky, my bark laying on a bed of flowers and grass. Clouds covered the sky, playing mischiefly, as I sketched what my eyes saw.

My red hair flowed around me, as I could feel the stare from my side.

I slowly looked to my left, his golden eyes shined so brightly at that moment. His short black hair covering his head.

I rolled my eyes at his look, and continued sketching.

I pulled back my pencil slowly, my drawing feeling better unfinished.

I laid the ad down and faced him.

"I want that one." He said, he voice slightly echoing through the small opening, surrounded by thick trees.

""You've said that fir every single one, I've drawn." I said, and he looked me in the eyes.

"That's because I want to own the largest collection by Ms. Louisa Valdmir." He said, with a big boast of my name at the end.

"Your so dramatic." I playfully rolled my eyes and shoved him.

"Hey!" He yelled and jumped on top of me. I giggled and laughed till my gut hurt, till he froze and stood away from me.

"Emmett." I said, and he turned away from me.

"Let's run." I purpsied, and he turned and smirked at me.
I grinned and dashed away, knowing Emmett had to play fair.

I sprinted through the trees, escalating to the top of the mountains. I paused the catch my breath, I glanced up to only see the tree that never seemed to end.

I heard Emmett behind me, smooth quick movements as he stood in front of me.

"Let's climb." He said, and turned his back to me, squatting so I could climb on.

I climbed into his back, and he climbed swiftly up the tree.

I watched as the trees began to fade, and become a master piece of art. He paused as the close top, to branches that could hold us safely.

"This.. This.." I tried but he handed me my sketch book. I glanced up at him and smiled widely.



Guys, I have come up with a plotline I never knew would exist. Its is so confusing and exhilarating.  I can't wait to share it with you.
I'm so excited!!!!


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