Lv. 49 - Briefing Room

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I paced through the corridors of the lower floor, ignoring the stretching branches leading to the various sections of the Shinra Headquarters. I passed multiple SOLDIERS and staff on my way, and acknowledged them with an impassive nod or hasty salute, before continuing on my way, eager to reach the Briefing room.

I had lost sight of Angeal half way along the second corridor as I failed to match his meaningful stride, and continued at my own pace as I traipsed slowly to the Briefing Room. I was curious as to why I was needed; surely it wasn't an assignment already!? I had only just been appointed a 2nd Class.

Whatever it was, they needed me. Not a 1st Class, but me; 2nd Class, Rowan Kaelin. I grinned at the thought and abruptly quickened my pace, suddenly halting as I stumbled upon the elevator I needed. I had no intention of braving the hundreds of steps leading to the top floors, on which the room I required was located. That was way too much of a strenuous task for me!

I waited impatiently for the lift to arrive, and stepped aside with a huff of exasperation as a crowd of people took their time stepping out of the box. After the last person had left, I stumbled into the lift and hastily pressed the button for 'Floor 49'. The elevator began with a sudden lurch, before rattling noisily as it tumbled up to the required destination.

Finally, the elevator buzzed and the doors slid open smoothly, shoving me into a deserted corridor, bearing rows of silver doors. I sauntered down them, until I stopped outside a substantial door on which 'LV. 49 BRIEFING ROOM' was printed in bold letters.

My stomach abruptly erupted with butterflies, and my heartrate quickened by about a hundred beats. I took a deep breath before pushing open the solid door. Inside was a small, rectangular room, in which there were four silver pods lined up against the back wall, and a computer system which let out a low humming sound. On the other wall, there was another door, identical to the one I had just walked through.

As I was about to enter, I noticed a figure in the corner and turned to find my friend, 2nd Class, Kunsel, grinning wildly at me.

My eyebrows merged into a frown as I slowly approached him. "What?"

As I neared him, he suddenly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a friendly embrace.

I let out a yelp of surprise, before succumbing to his friendliness and slapping him on the back in a friendly manner.

"Well done on becoming second, Rowan!" Oh, so that's what this was about!? He pulled away, that stupid grin still plastered on his face.

"Oh, uh, thanks, Kunsel," I paused hesitantly, before speaking again. "D'you know why they need me here?"

He shook his head apologetically, shrugging indifferently. "Nope. Nobody tells me anything round here." He chuckled lightly, before we delved into an awkward silence.

"What are you doing here?" I blurted out suddenly.

He raised his eyebrows and shrugged again. "Waiting for my friend."

I nodded, wondering who this 'mysterious' friend is.

"Well, Kunsel. Thanks for the... er, hug. They'll be waiting for me in there, so I'd better go."

He nodded in understanding and sunk back into the shadows. I shook my head but didn't question him, and abruptly spun on my heel and marched over to the door. I inhaled deeply, hearing a murmur of voices on the other side, and slowly pushed the door open, guiding myself into the spacious room.

There was sparsely any furniture; a simple table set in the middle, running the length of the room; a couple of plastic chairs tucked under and scattered around the desk; a large screen hung from the ceiling, emitting an eerie, pallid green glow and a soft thrum. Angeal was slumped against the wall, while Director Lazard, clothed in his purple pinstripe suit, was typing rapidly at a small laptop resting on the table. His gold-rimmed glasses glinted every few seconds as the light from the device flickered and shimmered. I cleared my throat to gain their attention, and Lazard glanced up briefly before closing his laptop.

"Ah, Rowan. I've been expecting you," he said in a clear voice as he pushed his laptop to one side. "Please, take a seat."

I shook my head, politely declining the offer. "I will remain stood if you don't mind." A flicker of surprise passed through his piercingly blue eyes, but he shook his head. I always fidgeted when I was seated.

"Of course. Right, well. Let's get to business shall we?"

I nodded eagerly, shifting my weight to my left foot as I leaned slightly against the wall, as Angeal was doing. He smirked amusingly at me, but I ignored him and focused my attention on the director.

"Wait," Angeal suddenly said, pushing himself from the wall. "Shouldn't we wait for Fair?"

Lazard studied him for a moment. "No. We'll speak with him after."

Angeal nodded, and my glance skirted between the Executive and First Class, confused as to who 'Fair' was. Another SOLDIER?

Lazard coughed before turning to me, leaning back in his chair. Silence settled upon the room, apart from the distant droning of the screen, until the director spoke once more with a slight smile.

"We have a new assignment for you."

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