Mount Tamblin

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"Fort Tamblin is straight ahead," I concluded, peering into the gloom. I could just pick out the faint, hazy outlines of the building some way ahead, obscured by the trees. I nodded slowly and turned to face my two companions; Angeal was bearing his impassive glare, Zack playfully swinging his sword about. I sighed in exasperation and Angeal flashed me an amused grin.

"Alright, we'll head up-"

"Intruders! Leave no survivors!" The monotonous voice cut distinctly through the night as the trees by the side of the road began rustling vigorously.

Waves of leaves and foliage cascaded onto the dusty track as half a dozen soldiers charged out of the undergrowth, all clad in a luminous yellow uniform and clutching wickedly long spears of glinting metal. Their eyes burned fiercely, dripping with hatred and ruthlessness.

I hastily drew my sword, feeling a tingle lace down my arm as it came loose with a sharp hiss. Spinning proficiently away from my opponents long weapon, I brought up my own to slice through the shoulder of the Wutai soldier. He grunted in pain but the shallow wound did nothing to hinder his movements as he arched his spear forward. I caught it with a clang, pushing away from the determined soldier, before doubling back and finishing him off with a heavy blow to the chest.

As I searched for my next target, my eyes laid sight on my quirky partner, prancing about in a frivolous manner, though wielding his sword dexterously. I grinned as he slashed recklessly at the Wutai troop, giving him no chance to strike back, and hastily sent him to his death with a light-handed thrust of his sword. He jumped gleefully, pumping a fist in the air, before noticing another approaching enemy.

I switched my attention back to the fight, now aware of Angeal locked in combat with the three remaining soldiers. They adeptly traded feints, parrying and thrusting weapons in a whirlwind of relentless assaults.

One of the Wutai troops abruptly grunted in bewilderment as he came to remark the sword casually protruding from his abdomen. I tugged at the blade, releasing it from his body with a sickly pop, and spun on my heel to meet a back-hand slash from the remaining opponent. Angeal dispatched of him quickly as he was busy trying to parry and dodge my oncoming assail, and I eventually sighed with relief as he fell to the ground with a substantial thud.

I doubled over for a moment, trying to regain my breath, and I noticed Zack hadn't broke a single sweat during the battle. Neither had Angeal. Was I really that unfit!?

"As I was saying," Angeal remarked in his accustomed, casual tone. "We'll head up to Fort Tamblin and discuss further details when we arrive at the required destination."

I nodded and abruptly began marching up the hill of Mount Tamblin, my eyes skimming through the trees for any more Wutai ambush parties. Images of Zack's skill with the sword rushed through my head as we ambled on along the dusty track; he definitely showed potential for being a 1st, but he was too... clumsy? No. Distracted? Perhaps. He needed to be more aware of his surroundings and not get too carried away... wait! Why am I thinking like the director? I'm not the one judging his skill...

"Hey! You okay?" I was snapped from my thoughts as Zack playfully bumped into me, forcing an involuntary squeak to rise from my lips. I raised my eyebrows in surprise, and frowned, suddenly feeling a sense of awkwardness as I regained my footing from the stumble.

"Oh, uh, yeah," I mumbled, avoiding his questioning gaze.

Zack shrugged, but his lips tugged into a mischievous smile. I sighed inwardly.

"Nice fighting skills," he remarked, his eyes skimming over the blade slung across my back. "Hmm. That's not a SOLDIER Sword."

I shook my head, fighting the urge to roll my eyes. Although I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride from his comment.

"You really don't like talking, do you?"

I shrugged, my eyes falling to look at the ground. I could still feel his gaze on me, staring intently into my thoughts. My mouth went dry suddenly, and my palms began to get clammy with sweat.

Please, just leave me alone...

"Hey, Zack! Just leave her be. We need to get a move on."

Oh, thank you, Angeal!

I felt his presence disappear and, with no intention of hiding my sigh of relief, I took the chance to quickly glance up and confirm my suspicions. He was a little way ahead now, his shoulders hunched as if sulking.

"Sorry about that. He can get a little... enthusiastic after a battle," Angeal declared, walking up to me. I nodded and smiled warmly at my mentor, glad he was accompanying me on the mission. I was never really the social type; my only friend was Kunsel, and even then I didn't talk to him much. I preferred to work alone, keep to myself. And when I was around Zack...

"We're nearly there," Angeal's sharp whisper broke through my thoughts and my glance flitted up to find Fort Tamblin towering over us a little further ahead. "Be on your guard."

I nodded and doubled over, as Angeal had just done, and scuttled after him until we took cover behind a wall of hedges, where the fort was directly in front of us.

Zack was already crouched, close by, inspecting the area with a practised eye, or so it seemed. As he suddenly heeded our presence, he glanced expectantly at Angeal. Then again, none of us except the 1st Class knew what we were to do.

"Okay, so B Unit will set off an explosion within the Fort. That's our cue."

"And the diversion will allow us to infiltrate Fort Tamblin," I perked up, gaining an understanding of the situation.

"Exactly," Angeal confirmed with a nod. "I'll set the bomb inside the fortress. You'll charge the front gate, and..."

"Uh-huh, and? And? And? And?" Zack nodded vigorously, pumping his fists excitedly.

I silently sighed and rolled my eyes, mirroring Angeal's actions.

"Indulge yourself."

"You got it! That's what I do best!"

I held back a giggle as he puffed out his chest and he took on an air of pride. He was completely out of it. Was he like this all the time, seriously!?

Angeal merely nodded, not bothering to hide his annoyance. Yet Zack was completely oblivious to our huffs and sighs.

We stayed crouched in the same position for a while; my legs began to cramp and I was struggling to keep myself held up, when a sudden explosion of blinding light erupted from the Fort, followed by deep-throated rumblings and groaning. The ground shook beneath us and I let out an involuntary yelp of surprise as I was thrown into Zack.

"Begin mission," Angeal chuckled.

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