Ahem. Que explosion noise in 3...2....1... #*@%$
Hello earthlings...
How I feel about people who use the phrase "totes adores!":
I see you are... a special kind of idiot... But don't worry that can be cured! A new medical break through has given morons the brain capasity to do stupid things in public less often! Yes, it is a miricule, a true miricule. It is only avalible in Canada at the moment and as we know America has no desire for this medicine, because our entire economy would collaspe if idiotism was cured. Most of our economic sucess is based on reality TV, which is only made possible by idiots like you. Thank you. (you'd get that if you have ever watched PBS, and if you haven't >:0 Shun cable for a little while. you've obviously seen too much of it)
There we are. A mini rant. something to get off my chest
Now I bet you're wondering why I am storing my random rants/writings/hooblah's/ ect. in this book. Well... I NEED TO BE HEARD! Although the title might be bit off putting, I want to congratulate you on stumbling upon this pointless book, and hopefully you'll read on... but if I were you... I wouldn't ... Because you, my friend, are entering the mind of a strange bizzare creature know to many as Alice. Let's say you've fallen down rabbit hole.... or has it sucked you in?
The Worst Story Ever Written ....
HumorAsk me about my attention defict disorder. Or pie. Or my cat. A dog. I have bike. Do you like TV? Look a rock. hi. BEWARE: People think I'm funny. I'm just really mean and no one takes me seriously ... Just kidding! Or am I? (o.0) No, seriously don...