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It was time.

Once I walk out of this door all of my memories here will be nothing to me anymore, I could feel his gaze on me and I felt arms snake their way around me and this time I give in to this man since we both know it'll be the last time that we'll ever feel this.

"Sorry for not being the one who deserves you"

I nodded because I knew once I speak my voice will break, a van was awaiting so I stepped out and felt my heart break into pieces and once I sat down the comfortable seat I looked at the door to see a face stained cheek of Jin's and his head bowing slowly


He yelled making members jump and other girls cried seeing Jin broke my heart and I told the driver to drive now so it'll be longer, if we love each other then fate will tie us together again somehow.

* * * * * * * * *
"So you're telling me you left the poor guy?"

I nodded and dad observed me and thought like looking for something

"You are both ridiculous"

He sighed and rubbed his forehead while sitting

Yes my dad can do such things now and he told me he got better while I felt miserable because I left Jin and he didn't stop me meanwhile I am also happy dad can be discharged by next week.

"Where are you planning to go now?"


It hit me like a train.

Where will i stay?

I can't stay here Jin will probably look for me in here first since it's the most obvious spot to hide and I can't go to Jae's i'll be a bother to her and Taehyung.


Jimin was an angel and he'd do anything to keep something a secret. I wanted to go to Suga but I bet he wouldn't even let me in on one step of his tiles and I'd be doomed.

I dialed Jimin's number and told him all about the situation and he was debating for a second until he finally gave in and said yes.

"Thank you"

It's alright Kaye, you and hyung need space for a while and I understand that.

He was such a blessing how can I ever thank him?

Bye now I have to run some stuff.

He ended the call and I went inside the room where dad was and I remembered what mom had said.



"Mom said you had a secret that'll soon be revealed to me, what is it?"

"O-oh, uhm"

He didn't have any straightforward words he'd like to say so I raised an eyebrow.




"Our family is involved in mafia"

"W-what mafia?"


"R-royalty is the name?"

"No it's a royalty mafia, like the mafia of all mafia's"

Jin had once told me a story about the missing princess whom they'd like to run the mafia of- because her brother the prince had left the family due to some strict rules.

"Wait so the missing princess was?"


I had to process it, then ding.

"Where is our territory?"

"Just a mile away"

Not too far.

"I plan on staying there if it's possible"

"Ok let me call my second in command"

After minutes and minutes of waiting, dad came out of the bathroom to tell me something.

"Mark will escort you"




Sounds like someone from a fancy family that i'd dine with.

"We'll leave by tomorrow"


Dad told me he'd come soon and he'd let Mark introduce me to the whole mafia and I told Jimin I had a change of schedules and I'd fly to Australia because I was sure he'd tell his hyung right now when i transferred.

Hope it turns all right.

I was not having her excuse of a mini vacation, it was like something was off with her voice when she called and she didn't accept my call this time either.

I swear to jisoos I'll kill Jinnie's ass once I see something wrong with her.

She didn't know she was a descendant of the royalty mafia I didn't want to tell her myself because she deserves to be told by someone she is connected to, perhaps a person from her bloodline and I still don't know why Hoseok hasn't told her about it.

These damn boys.

I rolled my eyes and hoped to the gods that my bestfriend was home and happy with Jin but my instincts tell me to ask but I shrugged it off and slept.

* * * * * * * * *

Love you all♡♡

The Devil's Deal K.SJ Where stories live. Discover now