Chapter Seven

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The weeks seemed to pass quickly. Zac and Brittany had finally found a new house that suited their needs. They had listed their existing house on the market so they were madly trying to get the house ready for sale.

I spent my days off catching up with Jordan and Brandon at alternate times. I rekindled my love of surfing with Jordan. Well I was more enthusiastic than skilful. I enjoyed the time with Jordan. Now that things between us had been resolved I could just let loose and have fun. I teased him about all the gorgeous girls he'd meet on his trip. He laughed but somehow the laugh didn't quite meet the eyes. They were tinged with a tiny bit of sadness and perhaps regret. There was no denying the chemistry we had with each other. It was like a fire that would never extinguish. It took every ounce of my being not to get drawn into that again. The way he'd look at me with that cheeky smile. He way his lips curled seductively. You know the saying. Once bitten twice shy. Whenever I felt my resolve dropping I reminded myself of the pain. There was no way I was falling for that again.

With Brandon we spent our days sharpening our photography skills. Things were so easy with Brandon and I was glad we had managed to stay best friends despite that moment of passion. Just watching him as his brow furrowed in concentration as he adjusted his lens. That was typical Brandon and the reason why I admired him so much. His keen eye. His quiet determination. When Brandon felt something, he felt wholly. Completely. He talked about his plans for his lessons and the strategies he had for engaging his pupils. Seeing his eyes light up almost made me forget my promise. My promise to put myself first. I needed to work out what I wanted first from life before I could open my heart to sharing it with somebody else. I didn't want to jump head first this time. I wanted to make sure it would last the distance.

Zac and Brittany had been busily packing up the house in preparation for moving. My job was to help the kids choose their most cherished toys for safe keeping while sorting out the broken and unwanted toys that would be disposed off appropriately. Whilst it sounded good in theory, the reality was anything but. Every time we had decided on a toy the twins would change their minds and start pulling stuff out of the box again. I was uncharacteristically cranky and I was losing patience fast. I was forced to shout at them a few times which upset both them and myself. I knew the real reason why they were acting up. They had been acting like this since I told them I was leaving. This was their way of acting out.

After a particularly trying day, I was lying on my bed attempting to relax. Zac and Brittany had arranged to go out with Kai and Ronnie that night to dinner and a movie. Jordan and Brandon were coming over with Madison and we were going to have a little sleep over party. Peyton and Calista would be sleeping in their bedroom but the twins and Madison had insisted that they wanted to sleep in the living room in their sleeping bags. I was glad that Jordan and Brandon were coming to help out. I had a feeling I was going to need it.

"Izzy. Watcha doing?"

I saw two dark haired heads appeared at the crack of the doorway. I knew it was the twins looking for company.

I sighed. I knew I wasn't going to get any rest now.

"Come in and lie down with me if you want to."

The door suddenly flung open and Joshua and Jacob immediately jumped on the bed and snuggled on either side of me.

"Izzy. If Mummy loves Daddy and Ronnie loves Kai then who do you love?"

I laughed. Joshua asked the funniest questions. I looked him straight in the eye and asked, "Who do you think I'm in love with?"

"I think you love Jordan."

I pulled Joshua in for a cuddle. "Don't be silly. We are just friends."

Jacob suddenly piped in. "Izzy I think you love Brandon cause you kissed him at Peyton's party."

I turned over to tickle him. He giggled in response.

"You want to know who I love. I love the both of you."

I tickled Joshua and he dissolved in a fit of laughter.

"Will you marry us Izzy. Then you can stay here forever. We love you Izzy. We don't want you to go."

Jacob suddenly looked sad. The laughter that has been there a minute ago disappeared.

"We made you a present."

Joshua got up and ran away. He soon returned with a crudely wrapped parcel in his hand. I unwrapped it carefully and opened the box.

"These are our treasures. If we give you all our treasures will you marry us and stay."

I looked through the bits and pieces. There were shiny buttons, a handful of acorns, a vial of coloured sand, two pine cones and a postcard from a theme park they had went to on one of their holidays. To the naked eye this was all junk but to these boys they were their most treasured possessions and they were willing to give them all up for me. I pulled out a piece of paper from the bottom. I opened it up and tears immediately sprung to my eyes. It was a drawing signed by the both of them. They had drawn their family. I had to laugh a little at their depiction of Brittany and her big belly. I guess to them they must have thought she looked like that most of the time. The part though that pulled at my heart strings was the depiction of me. They had drawn me as part of their family with a red heart above my head. Through their childish scribblings I could see the love they had for me. I hugged them both close and kissed them on their foreheads.

"I love you both but you don't want to marry me. Just because I'm leaving doesn't mean I don't love you anymore. Sometimes adults need to move away but I'll come back and visit you. Jordan and Brandon will come back and visit you too. Would you like me to send you postcards from the places I'm going to visit."

"Yes please. We like getting mail."

"Here. Keep your treasures. You can put the postcards in here too."

They both smiled at me, their tears dry for the moment. I knew that they would be sad again when it came to the time for me to leave but for now I was glad they were happy.

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