Chapter 4

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Star wrapped herself around the blue cloak Glossaryck gave her. Apparently, no one aside from Moon must see her. She was after all, supposed to be on Earth. Finally tied the thing, Star carefully looked around the corner. She could hear her father and mother talk about something. Something involving Toffee and Tom?

"I never thought it would come to this, River." She could hear the sadness in her mother's voice.

"Neither did I." Agreed her father.

"However, it is the good for the kingdom. Sacrifices has to be made and there's nothing we can do. Why don't you go and talk with the High Commission and see if there's any positive outcome. I'll go and sort out the paper work."

"Very well."

As soon as River's footsteps were out of hearing range and the door was closed, Star jumped out of her hiding spot. Moon whipped her head to her daughter's direction. Her eyes widened and Star feared they would fall out of their sockets.

"Star? Why are you here? How much have you heard? Where's Marco?" Moon fired questions.

Star smiled as cheerfully as she could. It wasn't easy. Knowing that the person in front of you was going to die and you couldn't even do anything about it. They may never see eye to eye most of the time, but they were still mother and daughter.

"Hey mommy," she hasn't called her that in a long time. It usually was just 'mom' ever since she started dating Tom and even when their relationship burned down. Moon stopped firing questions and looked at her only child with concern.

"Star, what's wrong?"

"No, nothing wrong! Why would would you think something's wrong? I mean-" Star gave a false laugh as she looked at the face of her mother.

"Star, I know you. Now, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just that. You know, I missed Mewni so I decided to drop buy you know?" It came out more of a question than a statement.

"Star", Moon said warningly.

"I just miss you."

Moon stood stiff with shock.

"I was reading some books about the past queens of Mewni and noticed how most of them dies young. Some didn't even make it to see their grandchild. And, I was afraid that would happen with you and me so... you know..I figured I should just see how you were doing."

Moon was touched. But, why does this seem to painfully familiar. The way Star was acting, it looked familiar. Like she has been there before. And the cloak she's wearing...

"Star, is there something you want to tell me?"

"No, not really."

Moon expected that. Star has secrets she's hiding from her. And while that would be a typical teenager thing to do, Moon was still irritated. She has a clue why Star came to Mewni out of the blue and it wasn't because of the story of the late queens of Mewni. But she just hopes that was just it and not what she's thinking.

"But I do have a question."

"What is it?"

"It's about Eclipsa."

The mere mention of the name caused an unwanted memory of the contract to play in Moon's mind.

'The spell you seek requires a magical contract. I could give it to you, but once your enemy is killed, you must give me something in return.' Said Eclipsa half trapped in the crystal.

'Okay, what do you want?' A younger version of herself hesitantly asked.

'My freedom'

"Mom! Are you okay?"

Snapping back to reality, Moon asked." What? Star?"

"You were zoning out there for a minute. Are you okay?" Now it was Star that seemed to be concerned.

"I'm fine, but what about Eclipsa Star. She's been dead for about 300 hundred years." Lie, but Star does not need to know that Eclipsa is preserved in a crystal. She knows how rash her daughter could be and she does not need her nor wants her anywhere near 278 ft from Eclipsa.

"I was reading from tapestries of queens of Mewni's and I stumbled upon yours."

The immortal being
Will long be haunted
But the darkest spell
Of Moon the Undaunted

"You fought Toffee? But I thought you never knew who Toffee was. And by darkest spee, hello! Eclipsa was the only queen that used dark magic. So I figured that, that spell you casted must be related to her."

Could she risk telling Star the spell? If she was right on her theory that this Star is actually from the future and not her Star of the timeline, then she would need to know the spell to protect Mewni if the time is really that desperate.

Moon turned and looked at her surrounding before casting a spell to prevent anyone from entering and overhearing their talk.

"Star, yes the spell is connected to Eclipsa. However, you need a magical contract to activate the spell. And you only have 1 chance."

"But how? How did you get the spell? From e picture in the tapestry, you cut off Toffee's finger! And it didn't even grow back!" Star pointed at the image shown from her wand.

"That spell was destined to destroy something immortal."

Star was shocked to silence.


"Star, I'll tell you the spell. I'll form a contract with you. I'll give you the spell, but you shall only cast it when it is in dire need. Aim the spell directly at Toffee's heart."

"But I thought Toffee was dead."

Moon shook her head, " no. Toffee is still alive. And he's inside Ludo. Possessing him."

Moon took off her glove, showing her stained wrist. Star gasped, but Moon paid no mind to it. She stretched out her arm to her daughter, "now. Do you want to learn the spell?"

Star looked hesitant but then remembered her problem back in her timeline. She could use this spell. And with her mother's contract, she can't use it unless it is in dire need.

She took her mother's hand in her's. A purple ribbon wrapped itself around there arms before vanishing. Moon smiled wearily at her daughter.

"Now, listen close. The spell is: I call the darkness unto me, from deepest depths of Earth and sea, from ancient evils unawoken, break the once that can't be broken, from blackest night, I pledge my soul and crush my heart to burning coal, to summon forth a deathly power, to see my hated foe devoured."

Star pulled back shocked. That spell seemed a bit too dark. But then again, it was meant to destroy something immortal.

"Aim it directly at his heart."

"Star, we have to go." Said Glossaryck.

Moon smiled at her daughter. "I love you Star."

Star's eyes watered. This was it. This was going to be the last moment she could spend with her mother. She didn't want to believe it, that her being their could somehow change the future, but no. The look on Moon's eyes told Star that she knew her fate. And that she will accept it. That she knew what she was keeping from her. She supposed that she shouldn't be surprised. Moon was no dunce. And Star was always a bad actor. It's only a miracle on how Marco didn't pick up on her feelings.

"I love you too mom. One day, I promise. I will be the queen you will be proud of."

Moon smiled sadly and hugged her goodbye. Star wrapped her arms around her mother tightly. She didn't want to let go. She refuse to let go. She didn't have to. Moon let go.

"You better go now. The past isn't the place nor the timeline from the person from the future."

Star nodded, "goodbye mom."

"Goodbye Star."

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