Chapter 6

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"- and then, we went to the skatepark and let me tell you, I was the master of the ramp! Well, aside from from Jackie, but I wish you were there Star, maybe next time, you could come with us." Marco suggested with a smile.

I gave a weak smile back.

"Are you okay, Star?" Marco asked. His voice filled with concern and it showed on his face.

"Mhm, never better."

Of course I'm not.

"Okay? I'll go to my room. I have to find a better outfit tonight. Jackie's taking me out to her favorite restaurant. Oh! Are you going to alright alone? Mom and dad are on a three day trip for their anniversary."

I nodded.

"Okay then, if you're sure."

As soon as the door closed and Marco's footsteps were out of hearing range, I slumped down unto the floor. Five days. I've been given five more days here on Earth. I browsed through all the battle and war spells and it seems that I didn't have enough time. My last days on Earth would be filled with nothing but learning.

But as soon as I step foot on the carriage heading to Mewni, I may never return. I'll be wed to my demon ex-boyfriend, and be crowned Queen of Mewni. In Mewni, I lead. However, on the Underworld, Tom wears the pants.

In Mewni, Tom will be known as Tom Butterfly.
In the Underworld, I'll be known as Star Lucitor.

In Mewni, my word is law.
In the Underworld, Tom is the law.

In Mewni, I take control.
In the Underworld, Tom's words are commands.

In Mewni, I have to act like as a queen should act.
In the Underworld, I am expected to act as a wife from the medieval times acted.

In Mewni, I have a voice.
In the Underworld, I am mute.

These are to be expected when I marry Tom. Why? Why? Why? My life was going great. I thought Ludo was gone, I could have fun here on Earth with my new friends and maybe have the chance to tell Marco how I feel. But obviously, that wasn't going to happen.

The more I thought of the arrangement, the more I cried. The more I thought of my doomed future, the more I hated Tom. Why was it him? Why couldn't it be a different prince or king?! But why him?

I bet he's having a laugh right now! He wanted me, and now he had me on a silver plater! And now he has me! He must be happy that things are going his way!

Let's see how happy he is.

I grabbed my wand and began to chant.

I summon the all seeing eye
To tear a hole into the sky
Reveal to me that which is hidden
Unveil to me what is forbidden

I glared at the smoke as it began to clear up. What I saw was not what I expected. Instead of finding Tom happy and all, it seemed as if he hadn't slept for 30 days. Which probably is in the Underworld time.

He massaged his forehead as another stack of papers appeared on his table.

"Great, another load. At least it isn't as plenty as the last one."

What? But that stack looked to be at least 90 papers! Where are his parents though? Shouldn't they be found this and not Tom? Sure Tom's the prince of the Underworld, but as far as I recall, he wasn't supposed to do his actual royal duties until he's 18. Unless,.....oh...oh no.

I weakly called out to him, "Tom?" It was barely above whisper so I was surprised that he heard me. Then again, it was probably due to his 'special abilities' as part-demon.

"From the structure of this...'portal', I am guessing that this is one of the spells from the Forbidden Chapter." Tom raised his middle eye's eyebrow.

I sheepishly scratched my neck before glaring at him. I remember why I did this. Tom straightened in his chair, refusing to back down. Well, neither was I.

"Are you happy now?"

Confusion was written all over his face. "Pardon?"

I crossed my arms, "I bet your sooo happy about this arranged marriage."

Tom sighed and massaged his lower two eyes, "so this is what the fuss is about."

"Yes this is what this 'fuss' is about. You know well that I don't want to be queen. Much less married. But why? Couldn't you just refuse the offer? There are countless of other princesses in different dimensions. -"

Tom cut the raging princess off. "Don't flatter yourself. And instead of complaining, you should be grateful."

Star scoffed, "and what should I be grateful about?"

"If I didn't sign that contract, Mewni would be in ruins. More so than it already is."

Star froze.

"I would help since Mewni and the Underworld are in an alliance. However, I need something in return. And since they couldn't give either resources, jewelries, or money, they had to give something else. As the old saying goes: Every King needs a Queen."

Star refused to look him in the eyes. He did that? For the sake of Mewni? The blonde haired princess suddenly thought of her mother. Form what she recalled, Moon was 14 when she was queen. But she never complained. She only thought of the protection of her people. Star suddenly felt ashamed. She was raised as a princess and to be a prim and proper one. Not a spoiled one.

"Princess Butterfly? Princess Star? Star? Starship." Tom's voice broke her out of her train of thoughts.

"I'm sorry." She blurred out.

Tom froze. Surely he heard her wrong. But he could've sworn he heard Star apologize.

"I realized how childish I was being. And I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Star bowed slightly.

'Okay, this is not an anime.' Tom thought. Not that he watched anime. He just skimmed through a few. Namely Death Note, Another, and maybe just maybe read manga named Hiromiya.

"Star look at me." Tom said softly.

Star straightened herself up, but refused to meet his eyes. She read some books from the Underworld and a few of them stated how much the males hate it when their spouses or mates or fiancée would anger them. Usually it would follow a punishment of some sort.

"I understand how hard it is for you to loose your mother, but don't you dare take it out on me. Because of you, I can control my anger better than most demons, but the line is thin as thread. I don't want to hurt you, so don't give me a reason to."

Star nodded.

The call ended.

What was she supposed to do now? Oh, yeah. Study and practice her battle and war spells. Star picked up her wand. It was time for Mewni. Star faced Glossaryck with a determined face and the blue floating magical being sworn he saw Moon for a spilt second.

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