Chapter 7

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Marco fiddled with his pen. He wasn't an idiot. Something was wrong with Star and she isn't telling him, which, kind of hurt. They were best friends. She should have trusted him to help her with whatever dilemma she had.

Their teacher was just giving them a review which he already knew about so he paid attention to some of it before thinking about Star. What could be her problem? Or maybe he's just overthinking it. Maybe there was no problem and it was just some girl thing.

"Mr. Diaz, what is the capital of French Guiana?" His teacher asked.

Marco snapped out of his thoughts and tried to recall his studies from late night cramming.

"It's Cayenne."

The teacher nodded in approval and continued to whatever the topic was about. Marco didn't have much free time than he usually had. His usual study and fighting monsters and/or adventuring time with Star was gone. Ever since Jackie became his girlfriend, he had been pretty busy with helping her, encouraging her, and simply just making her feel like the most special girl in the world.

Now that he thought about it, he rarely had time with Star. She was always coped up in her room practicing spells. Maybe another test? That must be it.

Speaking of Star. They hadn't been together much. And her only friends on Earth is him, Jackie, and Jemma; he's not sure about Star fan though. But back to the point, maybe Star was feeling kind of...neglected? He should include her a bit more but then wouldn't she feel like the third wheel?

Geez, girls are hard.

With Star ⭐️

The Mewman princess flipped through her enormous book of spells. She called her father to inform the school that she won't be coming back. Now that she was going to take on the throne, Earth studies are not a problem. Besides, she could try to squeeze time for them.

That is if she has.

And if Tom would allow it.

Glossaryck floated at the right side of his pupil and immediately used his magic to close the book. The act startled Star but she then sent him a confused/annoyed look.

"What the heck?"

"Oh no no no no no. The deeper you go, the more dangerous the spells become. Spells  you are not ready for."

Star rolled her eyes. "Oh come on Glossaryck! I can handle it."

"No. We must first teach you the basics then we advance."

Star crossed her arms. "Fiiine."

The battle spells were indeed harder and the more they completed each of them, Star was glad she listened to Glossaryck. Though she would never say it out loud. There were even some that she wasn't entirely aware of. After 6 hours, they finally called it a day.

"Tomorrow, we will begin the war spells. And finally, the field test. I will transport us to another dimension that is void of a ruler. All there are is monsters. It will be dangerous, but it would be the perfect place to have the test." Glossaryck explained.

Star raised her eyes brows to show she heard. All the spells really drained her. She supposed she should get used to it. In order to live, she would have to build up more stamina. If those were just the battle spells, how much more will be the war spells?

A knock on the door was heard through the quiet room. After the 6th time, the door opened. Marco's head was revealed as he entered the Mewman's room. He was frozen at the sight. And also a bit woozy at the smell. It looked as if a hurricane came followed by a tsunami and earthquake. Everything was a mess! And even the smell of sugar(?) was strong.

Marco's eyes wondered from the walls and floor to finally the drained princess. He walked over and covered her with the blanket. She stirred a bit but thankfully didn't wake up.

The human boy again looked around and saw the spell book wide open. He walked over to the desk and took a peek. From just a glance, Marco could tell the spells were not the usual 'candy coated or sugar and girly' spells Star uses. These looked as if they were meant to kill.

Marco was suddenly concerned.

Why would Star open the book to this section? And where was Glossaryck? Shouldn't he be restraining his student? As if he read his mind, Glossaryck appeared from the paper.

"Oh, hello Marco. What brings you here at this time of night?" Inquired the little blue man.

Marco scratched his head. "Well, I was worried about Star. She hasn't been her usual self and I just came home from school to see her passed out. What's going on?"

Glossryck tilted his head to a 90 degree angle, which startled the poor human boy. "So, she hasn't told you?"

"Told me what?"

"Well, I guess if she hasn't told you, I shouldn't."

"What is it?" Marco asked a bit annoyed.

"Oh, I cannot say. But I do wonder why Star hasn't told you yet. Where were you by the way?" Glossaryck asked innocently.


"Usually you and Star would be glued by the hip. Nowadays, it seems as if someone found a pair of scissors and snapped you two apart."

"That isn't the case. I was just out with my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" Glossaryck played dumb.

"Yeah, I just started going out with Jackie a few days ago." Marco informed the floating blue man.

"So is it a custom on Earth?"

If Marco had a dime for every time the magical tutor of Mewni confused him, Bill Gates would've lost his title a long time ago.

"What are you talking about?"

"Is it a custom on Earth to forget your friend that is a girl for your girlfriend? Actually, now that I think about it, you have lots of girlfriends. There's Star, Janna, and Jackie. There all girls and their your friends. So in short, they're your girlfriends."

Marco tried his best not to face palm. "Well, that could be right. But here on Earth, they would be just friends. A girlfriend or a boyfriend is a higher form of status. It shows that you reached past the friend zone." He explained slowly.

"But you still haven't answered my question: Is it a custom in Earth to forget their girl that is a friend over their girlfriend, who in fact is still a girl and your friend but only in a higher sense of status?"

"No." Marco looked down.

"I may not be able to tell you the entire thing until Star either tells me it's okay, or that she tells you herself. However, I can say that she needs your support. You say your her best friend. So act like it and be there for her."

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