Chapter 3 - The Bitch Is Back

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"We'd better get changed, we're almost at Hogwarts." Remus pointed out, finally looking up from his copy of Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them.

"Alright then, everybody out!" I said, shepherding the boys out of the compartment, "I'll call you back in when I'm done." I shut the door, pulled down the curtain and got my trunk down to get changed into my uniform. However, my definition of 'getting changed into my uniform' is changing my top into the dress shirt, putting on the robes and attempting to tie my tie, which I always seem to fail at. I left on my skinny, black jeans and red converses (this is where my Gryffindor house pride starts to show.) because since when did I ever follow the rules? I put in a pair of large, gold, hooped earrings and reapplied my red lipstick (again, house pride.) before letting the boys back in.

They were all in at least half of their uniforms, and all with tied ties. I gave my irresistible puppy eyes and gestured at my tie. Sirius immediately did it for me before sitting down. James and I burst into laughter and the others gave us strange looks.

"How come you fall for that every time, mate?" James sniggered.

"Do you know how hard it is to resist her puppy eyes? It's literally impossible!" he exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. We had about 10 minutes left on the journey, and I was getting fidgety. I do that when I'm really hungry/excited/tired. Finally, I decided to change into some sort of animal because it is more fun when I am an animal for some strange reason. Where I had been sitting, was now a slightly smaller-than-average Rottweiler. I jumped down off of the seat and barked to get the boys' attention. They straight away started petting me because I have to say, I am pretty cute as a dog. After a few minutes, I changed back so I could actually talk to the boys.

"When will we be able to do that?" Peter asked curiously.

"All in good time, my friend," I answered wisely. "Did you guys want to try to become Animagi this year, then?" I asked, looking at the three boys (Remus didn't count seen as he is a Werewolf, and the reason they were going to attempt to become Animagi in the first place). They nodded their heads in agreement, looking at me eagerly. "Well, I did some research over the summer with the help of my mum and I know exactly what you need to do." Just as I was about to explain, the train came to a stop and everyone started getting off.

I grabbed my handbag and jumped off the train with the others. I had to literally hold onto the boys so I wouldn't lose them and get lost in the sea of students. This earned me a couple of cat calls but I ignored them and focused on not getting trampled to death. James ended up giving me a piggyback to make things easier - I enjoyed towering over other people. We reached the carriages and I jumped off of James and straight onto the carriage seat.

"What's gotten into you?" James asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked back, confused.

"You're being really playful all of a sudden," he explained.

I just shrugged and we soon arrived at the castle. I hopped off the carriage and skipped merrily inside the great, oak doors of Hogwarts. I was the first person to enter the Great Hall and I ran straight towards my seat. Yes, I have my own seat, and if anyone sits in it, someone's going to get hurt. I am very possessive. As I sat down, I looked around and the seats were slowly being filled. Finally, once everyone was in their seats, Dumbledore stepped up to the golden, owl podium and silence fell around the hall.

"Good evening, students!" Dumbledore greeted, "I'm glad to see you all back here for another splendid year at Hogwarts. I would like to welcome our new first-years, who will now be sorted into their houses." He stepped down from the podium as a bunch of nervous first-years were led into the hall by a stern-looking McGonagall. My stomach rumbled loudly and I instantly wished that they would hurry up. It seemed to go on forever until the last child sat down at the Ravenclaw table and Dumbledore stood up to speak again. "Now I shall not delay your dinner any longer. Let the feast begin." I cheered along with James and Sirius who were all longing for food. Everyone stared at us but I was too busy piling up my plate with food.

By the end of it, I had eaten so much that it was hard to believe that I hadn't exploded already. Magic, eh? We trekked up to the Fat Lady's portrait and slipped inside the common room. Luckily, there was no need for the password seen as there was a large group of first-years and prefects that were all going in at the same time.

I flopped straight onto the sofa, so stuffed with food I felt as if I was going to burst. Remus rolled his eyes at me before sinking into the armchair next to me. I noticed James, Sirius, and Peter climbing through the portrait hole, trying hard to not step on anyone's feet. Sirius plopped down next to me, "Budge up, Merlin how much room do you need?" I reluctantly moved to the end of the sofa and Sirius moved also so James could sit. Peter sat in the other armchair looking quite unsure of what to do with himself.

"So!" Sirius began, looking at me eagerly, "Back to the Anima-"

"SHHH!" Remus and I exclaimed, wary of other students walking past. Sirius gave us a questioning look. I gestured to any on-lookers in the common room and he understood. "Tomorrow, after class," I whispered, indicating when I would talk to them about how they would transform into Animagi.

I checked the clock. It was almost 8 o'clock. I decided to go in for an early night so I could catch up on my sleep. I said goodnight to the boys and made my way up to the girls' dormitory.

I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so sorry.

My life has been literally spinning out of control this past month and a half. I will try to get more updates done but I can't make any promises. I hope that this chapter wasn't too bad. Also, happy Christmas to those who celebrate it and happy Sunday to everyone else! See you next time! - TurquoiseUnicorn - 24-12-2017

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