Chapter 4 - Jesus

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The way I woke up that morning was far from graceful. It wasn't until I opened my eyes that I noticed I was on the cold, hard floor of our dormitory. I sat up slowly, yawning as I was not used to waking up this early. I looked around the room and the girls were all getting ready for school. Great. Dorcas was looking at me somewhat guiltily but looked away as soon as I caught her eye.


That's why I was on the floor.

"Who pushed me out of bed?" I sighed, already knowing that that was what had happened. I raised an eyebrow at the girls as I got up and started getting ready myself.

"Marlene did it!" Alice pointed at her, earning a glare in her direction.

"Och, flin' me under th' fecking bus, wa dornt ye?" she all but yelled in her thick Scottish accent.

"Language," Lily warned darkly. Stupid Lily with her stupid prefect bullshit and stupid innocence.

"Marlene, I can't believe you would betray me like that!" I put my hand over my heart in mock offence. Of course I could believe that, she's the only person who is brave enough to cross me.

 "Dorcas tauld me tae in th' first place! She said ye hud had enaw beauty sleep!"

"Oi! Those weren't my exact words! I just said she needs to get a move on, that's all!"

"Awe rite honey but yoo're foolin' nobody."

I sighed and started getting dressed into half of my uniform because since when did I ever get fully dressed? I decided on a pair of denim blue bell-bottoms along with my dress shirt, Hogwarts robe and some white platform shoes. What can I say? I want to make an impression on our first day of lessons. To add to this, I applied some makeup in our shared bathroom. Namely, silver glittery eyeshadow, bright red lipstick and thick mascara. I also put in my trusty gold hoop earrings and I let my hair fall naturally. I admired my reflection in the mirror and, I have to say, I looked fabulous.

Exactly what I was going for.

I saw Lily give me a disapproving look to which I responded with a sweet smile as I grabbed my bag and left the dormitory. Clearly, the boys had decided to not wait for me and head straight to the hall. How nice of them.

I made my way down there, my heels clicking on the stone floors of the school. A lot of people stared in my direction as I walked, most of them being mesmerised first years who couldn't believe someone would actually dress like me on the first day. I earned a few wolf whistles from a group of boys standing at the side of the corridor. A couple of them were pretty cute, not gonna lie, so I winked at them and carried on. I finally reached the Great Hall and entered with a swish of my robe because I'm dramatic like that. I sensed a lot of eyes on me but I just wanted to sit down and eat because I'm a hungry bitch and nobody comes between me and my food.

I found our table and, just as I thought, the boys were already there. I sat down between Remus and Sirius, opposite James and Peter, with another swish of my robe, "So kind of you to wait for me," I said, my voice dripping in sarcasm.

"It's not our fault you take forever to get ready," James said, shoving a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

"Well I'm sorry darling but it takes time to look this fabulous," I started piling food onto my plate, knowing full well I wouldn't eat it all.

"We got our time tables before you got here," Remus interjected before James could retaliate. He handed me my timetable and I thanked him quietly, studying the slip of paper carefully.

"What day is it?" I asked, genuinely not knowing what lessons we had today. I heard an exasperated sigh from my left which I could only assume was from Remus.

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