Chapter 5 - I've Got A Feeling

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The sight before me was one I never thought I would ever see in my entire fucking life.

My boys in the library.



I would have thought I was in an parallel universe if it hadn't taken Remus and I almost an hour to convince the boys to come. This was only to double check the information my mum had given me about the Animagus process as I wouldn't put it past her to either forget or give us the wrong instructions. They had argued we could easily do it in the common room but I didn't want anyone to eavesdrop on us. I am not going to Azkaban any time soon because that place looks crusty as fuck. James had faked a note from a teacher so we could get some books from the Restricted Section on the subject. He is dangerously good at fraud. 

So, while Peter, James, Sirius and I researched in near silence, Remus appeared to be reading a muggle book of some sort. I frequently looked up from my book to Remus, growing more and more confused. On top of reading an irrelevant book, he also kept doing strange hand and arm movements every 10 seconds. In the end, my curiosity got the better of me and I just put down my book and stared intensively at my strange friend until he looked up at me.

"What are you looking at?" he snapped at me, clearly not appreciating the interruption.

"You, darling. You're reading a book that has nothing to do with our research and you keep flapping your arms around like a drunk seagull. Sorry for being a tad confused," I said simply. I earned a glare from Madame Pince at the volume of my voice but I just ignored, more interested in Remus's explanation.

"Umm, I don't know, it's kind of weird. You might judge me," he muttered, staring down at the table to avoid my gaze, quite uncomfortable with my sudden confrontation. I instantly felt sorry for him and how insecure he could be sometimes, and I was kind of guilty for inducing this but I was still determined to find out was he was doing.

"Darling, you could pull out a pair of maracas, put on a pink feather boa, jump on the table and start screaming at the top of your voice and I still wouldn't judge you. What are you doing?"

He hesitated before answering, "Well, you know how I've been communicating with Idania by writing things down?" I nodded, indicating he should continue. It had been 3 days since that fateful lesson when they started having a conversation and they had repeated this today as we had had History Of Magic again, "Well, I had an idea while we were talking, so to speak. I decided that I would try and learn sign language to surprise her," he mumbled the last part so I could only just hear him. He looked up at me, waiting for whatever rude comment he was expecting me to make.

Much to his surprise, I broke out into a huge grin and clasped my hands tightly, "No way! Really?"

His eyes widened in shock and a small smile began to form on his solemn face, "Yeah, I wanted to try and be a bit more inclusive with her so what better way to do that than to speak, or rather sign her language?"

I squealed with delight, clapping my hands excitedly and practically jumping up and down in my seat. Cue another glare from Pince. I knew this was a big deal as Remus could be a stone cold bitch if he wanted, especially with strangers. It was only when he cared - deeply cared - about someone would he actually make an effort with them and therefore do things like this. Being the introvert that he is, caring about someone he had only known for mere days was pretty much unheard of. Idania was one special girl and she didn't even know it. That, however, lead me to other conclusions. Did Remus like her? Did she like him? Had I accidentally started a romance that would bloom for years to come? OK, I'm getting ahead of myself but it was certainly a possibility. I turned around to face the others, who were somehow oblivious to our entire conversation.

"Guys, guys, guys!" I exclaimed, causing them all to look at me with a mixture of annoyance and interest, "Remus has something to tell you!" Was it cruel of me to force Remus to explain this himself when I could? Probably. But I'm evil like that and he could be worse if he wanted.

Remus gave me a look of frustration, as expected, and awkwardly explained the situation to the boys. A lot of screaming, mainly from James, ensued which resulted in us getting chucked out of the library. Mysteriously, a message appeared on a wall in one of the corridors reading "Pince is a stuck up slag" the next day which may or may not had something to do with me.

We returned to the common room and went straight up to the boys' dormitory to chat and to put our books away for when we needed them later. We had only just sat down when I gasped, having remembered something very important. The boys looked at me questioningly so I announced, "I need cake."

I was met with blank stares and a sigh I assumed was from Sirius, "When do you not?"

I gave him a pointed look and explained why I needed cake so badly, "It's Freddie Mercury's birthday today!"

Still, the boys were unresponsive until James piped up, "Who's Freddie Mercury?" 

That question alone made me want to jump off of the Ravenclaw tower. Instead, I decided it was my responsibility to educate these idiotic crumbs I call friends and enlighten them with the glory that is Queen.

I took a deep breath and began an unnecessarily long yet fast explanation, "Freddie Mercury is the lead singer of my favourite band in the entire world, Queen. Queen also consists of Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon and they all are immensely talented but kind of underrated. Freddie is as camp as it gets and has an amazing sense of fashion. He is a fucking savage when it comes to interviews but he is actually so sweet it makes me cry. His singing his otherworldly and if anyone wants to talk shit about his teeth then I legally have to murder you on the spot. His 29th birthday is today so I have to eat cake in his honour."

Everyone's jaw dropped simultaneously at how much I knew about him but James still looked rather confused.

"He's the one that looks a bit like Sirius," I added, gesturing to a poster I had stuck up on the wall last year. Since I slept here half the time, I therefore had the right to put up any posters I wished. The one I was pointing to in particular was the white picture from inside the Queen II vinyl. James seemed to recognise Freddie now, as did the others, but Sirius looked a bit smug.

"So you're saying that I look like the lead singer of your favourite band?" he asked.

"Quite clearly, yes," I nodded slowly, not sure where he was going with this.

"Do you think that this guy is handsome then?" Oh for fuck's sake Sirius. I couldn't say no, obviously, but I didn't want to add fuel to the fire that is Sirius Black's ego. I simply stared at him rather aggressively to which he returned with a look of triumph.

"Back to my original point, I still need cake," I repeated, looking around to see if anyone was willing to go to the kitchens with me.

"I could probably do with some chocolate, in whatever form that may be," Remus suggested. I smiled at him gratefully.

"Can I come?" the small voice that belonged to Peter squeaked, going red with embarrassment for whatever reason.

"Of course, darling, the more the merrier," I reassured him. When the other two had made it clear they were staying put so they could talk about Quidditch, I all but skipped down to the kitchens with Remus and Peter not far behind.

OK so it only took me 2 weeks to get this up and I'm proud. The title comes from The Beatles' album, Let It Be, from 1970. I hope you all enjoyed and voted and commented and whatever. Toodeloo.

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