Chapter 1

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Caitlin's POV

I was running, not knowing where I was going, sobbing my eyes out. I was in a dark room and there was nowhere to go. There was a dark figure that just stood in the middle of the room watching me struggle, grinning to itself. I could see a light in the distance but every time I tried running to it, I could never reach it. Every step I took seemed to make the light look further and further away from me. Eventually, I just gave up and slumped up against the wall, sobbing quietly to myself. The dark figure approached me and all I could do was scream as it was whispering all of my deepest thoughts and insecurities in my ear. I just sat there, in fetal position, shaking, crying, and just wanting to die so I could get out of that room. After what seemed like an eternity, I started to feel myself being shaken and everything started to fade, including the dark figure.

My eyes shot open and the first thing I saw was a concerned Josh standing over me. I was drenched in sweat and I was shaking uncontrollably. All I could do was cry, thinking of everything that dark figure was saying to me. Josh just embraced me and let me cry in his arms. I hide my face in his shoulder and let everything out while he just sat there and shushed me rubbing my back. Josh was always there for me, always picking up the pieces when I need it the most. This usually happens at least two times a week, and Josh is always there to drag me out of the darkness I call my thoughts.

After about thirty minutes of us just hugging and me crying my eyes out, I finally had no more tears left. I lifted my head to look into Josh's face. His face was full of concern and I could see that he was really worried about me. I gave him a little nod letting him know I'm okay and let go of him. Josh quickly got up and ran downstairs, grabbing a glass of water for me. Within a minute, he was back with a glass of water and some tissues. I took them thanking him and gulped the water down. My throat was all scratchy from all the screaming I was doing I assumed. Josh sat back down on the bed across from me and sighed.

"Was it about that dark figure again?" Josh asked, his voice full of concern. Josh knew all about this nightmare because he was the only I ever told. The first time I had this nightmare when we were younger, Josh was the only one who was really concerned about me and I told him all about it. Like I said, Josh is the only person I ever tell any of this to, not even my own parents know.

"Yeah, but it was worse this time. Usually it never talks but this time it did." A shiver went down my spine remembering all those horrible things it was saying.

"What did it say?" Josh pulled me closer and placed the glass of water on the side table. He grabbed my hands and just stared into my eyes.

"Well, it was telling me how I am nothing and worthless. Basically just telling me everything I hate about myself and reminding me why I feel the way I do. It's voice was bone shivering and all I could think was that I am nothing and I just wanted to die so I could get away from it." A tear slipped from my eye and Josh's hand immediately was on my face wiping it away. I looked down and closed my eyes not wanting to see Josh's face. I felt a hand lift my chin up but I kept my eyes closed.

"Open your eyes please." Josh pleaded. I opened my eyes and all I could see was pain in those big brown eyes my brother had. Every time this happens I feel like I am just causing him more pain and wish this could all just end.

"You are not worthless. You are not nothing. You are the most amazing sister, daughter, friend anyone could have. You have a purpose on this earth, you just have to find it. I love you so much and I need you here. Please fight and stay alive, for me." Josh eyes started to tear up and a single tear fell down his face. I grabbed onto him and we just cried together, letting everything out. We stayed like for a while, not saying anything, just holding each other.

Josh's POV

Hearing Caitlin say all that stuff about herself just gets harder and harder every time. But what did it today was her saying that she wanted to die. That felt like someone stabbed me in the heart and kept twisting the knife over and over again. This girl is my best friend and I never wanted to hear those words come out of her mouth. If anything were to ever happen to her, I don't know how I could go on.

Since we were little, we were each others rock. Whatever we needed to talk about, we talked about it together. She knows all my deepest thoughts and I know hers. We both go through rough patches and we never fail to help one another. If she was ever to leave me because of what she thinks about herself, I don't think I could live anymore. Thinking of what life would be like without her made me cry more and just hold onto her, rocking her back and forth and making sure I never let go.

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