Alison Lawrence didn't know what having a tough life meant and had everything handed to her on a golden plate. Her life was immaculate with the perfect and caring boyfriend in it and a reign that mattered the world to her, both things she never want...
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"Hey, Mom! I'm home," I yelled as I entered my house, the smell of homemade pizza filling my nose instantly. Due to the horrible lunchtime I had, I didn't manage to eat well, an only granola bar sustaining me through the day. I was starving.
"Hi, honey!" Her voice is caring coming from the kitchen where the delicious smell only became stronger. My mother was behind the white counter preparing the tomato sauce, her dark blonde hair in an impeccable high ponytail and the red cooking apron she had on highlighted her light green eyes.
"Do you need any help?" I offered as I seated on the silver stool behind the counter in front of her, my lips forming a smile as I watch my mom smile as well.
"It's fine. How was school after what happened, Sweetie?" She lost no time in getting to the main topic of the day and all I did was take a deep breath, wondering if I should have told her the truth.
That I was practically alone.
"Normal." It's all I managed to say, my voice low. I didn't want to tell her that everyone ignored me except for Madison or Scott's friend, which is worse. She didn't even know him.
"Really?" My mother raised her eyebrows at me, her piercing eyes focusing on mine. Before I could hold it back, I let out a murmur 'no' and she gave me a sad smile. She could always take something out of me that I was trying to hide so badly. Most of the time.
"What happened, Ali?" She asked while putting the pizza in the oven, my heart beating faster as I relived everything all over again.
"Carol was a total bitch."
"Alison Kate Lawrence, no bad words in this house." She scolded me, her voice tone angry and all I did was roll my eyes, I truly hadn't any more words to describe my ex-best friend.
"Damn it. I mean, sorry. I'm just angry at her. Caroline has no right to be rude to me when I didn't do anything to her," I let out everything in a single shot, everything that was going repeatedly through my mind in these past days. I knew my mom would always listen.
"I'm sure that in the end, everything will be alright, sweetie." My mom tried to calm me down, a soft smile forming on her lips and despite her optimism, I knew that things would never be the same again and it hurt so damn much.
"Do you need any help? I need to go do my homework," I said, a fake smile on my face as I tried so hard to change the touchy topic that was my life in that moment. I couldn't have my heart broken again. I got up and went to reach the backpack that I have left at the entrance of the house.
My house wasn't enormous like Caroline's but it was still big. We had a kitchen, dining room, living room, an indoor pool, and an outdoor dining room on the first floor. Four bedrooms; the master one, mine, and the other two that no one used on the second floor. My dad used to live here too but since the divorce, he doesn't live with us anymore.