36: goodnight, queen

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The alcohol is buzzing through my veins as I move my hips on the dance floor, in the middle of the crowd, and I have a sloppy smile all over my lips. I'm feeling happy and free, with nothing in mind, and I inhale the air, a mixture of drugs, lust, and drinks, making sure that I'm here. That I'm doing alright.

Emma is also dancing next to me, her carefree smile brightening the place and chestnut brown hair swaying on her back. Cody's arms are around her, him dancing behind her, and his hands are dangerously seeking through her entire body.

A naughty smile escapes smiles when she looks at me and Emma shows me her tongue, a wink coming from her right after. These two will have a wild night, I just know it.

"I'm going to grab another drink!" I scream at both of them but they don't seem to have listened to me when they continue to dance and Scott's best friends bring her hands to his hair.

I'm out of the dance floor before I can glimpse the two making out in the middle of the crowd and I let out a chuckle as I head to the bar, imagining what Emma will tell me afterward. She isn't as nearly as experienced as I with boys, but I'm pretty sure that with Cody that would change, dramatically.

"A shot of vodka please," I ask for the bartender in front of me, sitting down in the black leather stool on the balcony, his piercing light brown eyes analyzing all me the way. He's cute, probably around 19, and his black curls and sharp jawline give him a mysterious vibe.

A boy is the last thing you need, Alison. I mentally scold myself, taking a deep breath, and focus my attention back on the music that is playing, letting it take away the thoughts about my life of my mind.

"Here you go, beautiful." He whispers, flashing me a sweet smile, and all I say back is thanks, my cheeks flaming from the sudden compliment.

I get back to the dance floor, heading to the dark red velvet sofa that takes place next to it but not before giving the bartender a shy smile back. I won't do anything, but it doesn't hurt to feel appreciated for once.

The minute I sit down on the sofa, the fabric of it hugging the skin of my bare thighs, I let out a relieved breath and chug the shot of vodka. The alcohol burns my throat like fire, but I welcome the pain, feeling it in my system.

The room is spinning as I stand up again, more than ready to continue dancing until I can no longer feel my feet. I trip on the way, almost falling on the floor but I manage to keep my balance and a loud laugh escapes my lips.

"Hey, Emma!" I scream in her ear, the loud music playing nonstop and reverberating through the room, as I finally reach the lovebirds. They are dancing once again and Cody's arms are close to her hips, but I know my friend knows what she is doing.

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