Alison Lawrence didn't know what having a tough life meant and had everything handed to her on a golden plate. Her life was immaculate with the perfect and caring boyfriend in it and a reign that mattered the world to her, both things she never want...
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After my little scene with Tristan, the whole school burst into gossip. As my history class goes on, I can hear most of the theories regarding me and Scott that have been circling such as; I think Alison was pregnant with Matt's baby, so that's why she moved away. Or Alison is a slut that changes boyfriends like a girl changes her clothes. Scott is much better without her. It's horrible what people say behind your back.
This last theory hurts deeply because, even though I didn't sleep with three different guys, if there was a guy in the exact situation I'm in, he would receive thousands of applauses for enjoying life.
I wish I could vanish in thin air.
Finally, I do something about the girl that looks at me every two minutes. My lips form the nicest smile I can fake and I look at her, never stopping. She finally seems to understand how uncomfortable that is since she stops turning around.
When the bell finally rings, I get out of my place before anyone else to avoid questions but the looks from my classmates burn my back and I feel like I will pass out. I can take a few gossips, but they are reaching a point where anyone would feel sick.
I take a deep breath and go towards my locker where Tristan will be waiting for me. He will tell me that everything is going to be alright.
Another step.
One step closer to my safe harbor.
As soon as I reach the hallway, I expect to meet light blue eyes that will light up as soon as Tristan sees me but instead, my ex-boyfriend is leaning against the locker next to mine, with a wide fake smile on his face.
He can fool the whole school but not me. He's not happy because my plan with Tristan worked. I pissed him off, and he's dying of jealousy.
I take every ounce of courage I have to keep going towards him. My lips form a cocky smile along the way to make him even angrier. It works since Scott changes his position and crosses his arms. When I reach him, I pretend to ignore that he's there by opening my locker in his face.
I know he thinks I cheated on him and somehow I'm wrong in the whole scenario but he deserves everything I'm doing when he kissed my used to be best friend.
My ex-boyfriend takes a deep breath before closing my locker door and turning me to face him.
"We need to talk," he mumbles, so I'm the only one listening. Both of us don't like all the gossip that is going around.