Chapter 28 (Eight Months Later)

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FAITH POV: My head is spinning as I'm sitting in the hospital room, listening to Josh and Dr Hayes go back and forth. Audrey is clinging onto my hand, and saying that everything's going to be okay. 

"Have you gotten the Paternity test results back?" I hear Josh ask. Hayes looks down at his chart for a minute and takes a deep breath. 


"And?" Josh says impatiently. Hayes hands him the paper to look at himself. Josh stares at it for a minute before looking at me with sad eyes. He hands it to me. I try to read it, but my eyes are to blurry to read. 

"Hey, Audrey" I say. She grabs the paper and reads it to me.

"Child status: 33 weeks; Healthy. Gender: Female. Mother: Audrey Faith Hill-Gracin." Audrey reads before stopping. She frowns as she reads, "Father: Sameul Timothy McGraw." My heart sinks. 

"Oh my god..." I cover my mouth with my hand as a tear comes out. He doesn't even know I'm pregnant. No one else knows I'm pregnant. 

"Faith, we have to start the birth now, or else there could be serious complications for you and the baby." Hayes says. 

"Alright..." I agree. 


"Katie!" I scream, "Time for dinner." I finish, hearing her run down the hall, stains all over her. "Baby, you are a mess!" I laugh. 

"Me and Alie were playing by the creek!" She exclaims. "Alie" is her best friend/boyfriend. His real name is Alex, but he lets her call him that. His mother and I are fairly close, and both believe they are going to get married someday. 

"Well, that sounds like a blast." I say, grabbing a wipe to clean her off. She looks like she just rolled in a mud puddle. Her long blonde curls are now covered with dry mud. "Darling, what did you do to get this dirty?" 

"He pushed me in the creek." She says, still smiling. 

"Well that wasn't very nice." 

"I pushed him in first." She openly admits. I laugh and give her a tight hug. 

"I think you need a bath." I say. She cheers, grabs a towel from the laundry room and takes off up stairs. I smile and walk up the stairs to meet her. She's already butt naked with the water on by the time I get there. She's always loved her baths. 

"Momma," She starts, "I wanna sing, just like you do." She says, looking down at her tiny hands as I run water through her curls. 

"Alright." I say. 

"Do you think Dad would spend more time with me if I did?" She says. My heart aches as I look into her warm, brown eyes. 

"I don't know baby." I say. 

"He's never home Momma." She says, painting a little frown on her face. 

"I know honey," I start, turning her to face me. "but I can't change your Dad's work schedule. Once this tour's done-"

"You said that last time. Is it because I'm not his?" She asks. My chest hurts even worse hearing those words. 

"No." I say firmly. "In no way is that the case. Your father loves you as his daughter, whether you are his true, blood-related daughter or not. He will always be your father." 

"He's not my real dad though, right?" She asks. 

"He's not," I admit, "but he does love you more than any father could. You are his world." 

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