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[ night eight — 3:52 am ]

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[ night eight — 3:52 am ]

I GOT A LETTER FROM THE DRUNK DRIVER who hit Alana today. I didn't read it, though, I couldn't read it. Instead, I ripped it to shreds and flushed it down the toilet. It was very therapeutic, if I do say so myself.

I can't wrap my head around the fact they'd send a letter. Like that will fix everything. No letter will make up for Alana and the ignorance they have for driving impaired.

The worst part is that if Alana had left work a little earlier or a little later, this would've all been avoided. She'd still be here. Or if she decided to take the longer way home, rather than the shorter way.

That driver. That fucking driver. If he would've just stayed at his buddies house, or better yet, his friends stopped him from driving, then Alana would be sitting in my arms right now. But no, life is never that fucking perfect.

At the time of the accident, I remember exactly what I was doing. I was planning out the proposal. I wanted to make this unforgettable. I wanted it to be perfect. I had many ideas, some simple, others more complex. I thought about what kind of person Alana was, and I decided she'd want something exciting.

I was half way through planning a small scavenger hunt. I was going to send her around the city, going to different places, finding different clues. The last clue would lead her to the spot we first met — Morgan's place.

Morgan and Alana met at the ACC, it's kind of cliché but he had ran into her in the team store, as he was filming a video for the Leafs. They had talked and over time became really good friends. Nothing more, and god, was I lucky for that.

Morgan had invited James and I over for dinner to meet her, and as soon as I saw her, I knew. It was a certain familiarity, we were made for each other.

Looking back, I chuckle to myself because I know that night she had a few drinks, and was all over James. That didn't stop me from asking for her number though, and luckily, I got it.

I knew after we first hung out, James wasn't in the picture, and a relationship between us would soon blossom. I was right.

I guess they're right too — all good things must come to an end.

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