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I recently flew to Atlanta a couple days of ago to look for a condo or a house and to hit up the studio. This is so stressful and tiring all I want is my bed. I searched all day yesterday for somewhere to stay only to end up with no luck at all. I'm going to look again after I leave the studio today. Hopefully I find something today because I leave in three days. The next two or three days I just want to work in the studio and relax.

I rolled out of the bed and dragged myself to the shower. After I did my hygenie routine I went and got dressed in a black skater skirt, a white fitted cropped top, and my white shoes. Something else I need to do while I'm here is go shopping. My closet dead as fuck right now. Let me gone head and go to the studio since this is money.

*1 hour later in the studio*

I was just playing around with random beats and singing random stuff. I'm going to write a song soon just not now. Anyways I was sprawled out on the couch since everybody left to get something to eat when August Alsina walked in. He kinda looked like this boy that I went to high school with that it was real close with. Man I miss him so much but he just up and disappeared one day. I don't even remember his name sadly. August looking good enough to eat right now. He can do whatever he want to my body. I can picture myself kissing and tracing his tattoos with my tongue.

"Aye you new here ma?" August asked looking me up and down

"Yea I just got signed not to long ago."

"That's what's up can you sing or rap?"

"I can sing but I can try to rap."

"You know you look familiar shawdy. Where you from?"

"Texas, Why?"

"No reason you just look like this girl I was real close with in high school." He sighed

"Oh, we'll my time is up it was nice meeting you." I said as I stood up and stretched

"It was nice meeting you but I never got yo name."

"You can call me Gabby." I said as I pulled out my phone only to see Michael calling -_- I didn't even answer it I just let it ring

"Gabby you look familiar and yo name sound familiar. We should umm...hang out sometime so can I get yo number?" He asked as he handed me his phone and I gladly put it in his phone "Thanks Gabby might hit you up tonight."

"We will see August." I said as I walked out

He really do seem familiar maybe I need to look in my high school yearbook. I got August Alsina number you just don't know how happy I am right now. Hopefully he call me tonight cuz I really wanna do something tonight. Anyways I was walking around in the mall buying clothes and other stuff when Kenya called me. I decided to just let it ring they prolly just trying to be nosey since I didn't tell them why I came out here. Next time I'm going to tell them where and why I'm going. I have been gone for nearly two days now and they all of sudden wondering where I am. Can't never go nowhere without them bothering me. It's whatever I'm just going to enjoy myself. I wasn't paying attention when I bumped into to somebody.

"Damn my bad shawdy."

"It's ok." I said when I realize it was August I bumped into

"So we meet again." He smirked

"Yep we meet again."

"So you wanna do something tonight or nahh?" August asked

"Yea that will be fine just call me when you ready."

"How bout now."

"I'm down but I need to change and put my stuff up in my hotel room." I said sadly

"We'll come on I follow you back to your hotel and when can leave when you finish whatever."

"Aight come on."

With that being said we left the mall.

Michael P.O.V

I have been trying to call Gabby all day and she not even answering her phone. It could be an emergency or something and she not picking up ha phone. She won't even pick up her phone when Kenya called her earlier. What she doing that she can't even pay attention to her phone since it's always in her hand. I know she not with nigga. Matter of fact why the hell she even in Atlanta. I'm gonna ask Kenya right now.

"Kenya come here!" I yelled

"Bring yo high lighter ass in here I'm helping Ariel with ha homework." She yelled back

I slowly walked in the dining room.

"What Michael?" She asked rudely

"You know why Gabby went to Atlanta?"

"No she didn't say why."

"I know why." Ariel said looking up and smiling at us

"Why Ariel?" Kenya asked

"Ight cuh so I was looking fo MY juice box in the fridge when Mommy came in on da phone talkin all loud and ghetto as usual and she was talkin to a agent or something. Then she was like how much will this house be on sum address." And said rolling ha neck

Me and Kenya stared at her in disbelief. Plus why she talking like that? She sound like them kids off them vine or world star videos minus all the cussing.

"You need to use correct English little girl while you talking all ghetto." Kenya said

"So my boyfriend like it." She said rolling ha eyes

"What boyfriend little girl?" I asked looking at her like she got three heads

"Jordan." She replied with a blank ass face

"Wait till yo momma get back."

"Man whatever I ain't got time fo this. Y'all gonna make me miss my damn show." Ariel said walking out the kitchen


Ehhhh I tried with this chapter but I was lost than a mug. Writers block is really getting on my nerves since I freestyle all my books. Anyways comment and vote.

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