Chapter 23: Silence in a War

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Tsuki's POV
      My limbs were numb and hot blood poured from my throat. I smiled as hot tears streamed down my face. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." Gaara said as he continued crying. He kissed my forehead and the world disappeared into a blurry white light. My hearing left me and I closed my eyes.

Gaara's POV
      Tsuki's eyes closed and her breathing stopped. She was now limp and cold. "Tsuki, wake up." I said gently shaking her. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see my sister. "I'm sorry Gaara. She's gone." Temari said with tears in her eyes. I stood up and hugged her. The tears wouldn't stop falling.

Temari's POV
      Gaara hugged me and while he shook and sobbed. He began yell and then growl. My eyes widened. He was angry now. Gaara charged at Madara and I ran to find Itachi. "Itachi!" I yelled after finally finding him. "It's Tsuki, she's dead." I said as tears spilled down my face.

Itachi's POV
      Temari had tears in her eyes when she told me. "She's with Izumi now." I thought. "They're together again." I told myself. I imagined Tsuki with her mother and thought of how happy they were. I nodded and left with tears in my eyes.
*Timeskip 3 days*
Gaara's POV
      The war was finally over. I was relieved even though my heart hurt again. Tsuki was gone. I picked up her body which was covered in dried blood and carried it home. Her body was put in a bag and then on a stretcher. She was in the train of casualties.Tears stung my eyes again as I walked next to my wife's lifeless body.
      I looked down at my wedding ring. I remembered the wedding.
      Temari, Hinata, Naruto and Kankuro walked in pairs. Hinata and Temari were wearing dark blue and silver  knee length kimonos. Naruto and Kankuro wore yukatas with the same colors.
      Finally, Itachi walked with Tsuki. She was wearing an knee length red kimono with a gold border.  Her hair was in two buns. Itachi wore the same yukata as the others and wore his hair in its traditional ponytail.
      I remembered us exchanging rings and her beautiful smile that day, then I remembered when Ai  was born.
*End of flashback*
      I smiled sadly as we crossed through the village gates. Naruto and Sasuke walked up to me. We talked for a few minutes before Naruto asked a question. "Hey, where's Tsuki?" Naruto asked. I felt my heart sink. Sasuke glared at him. "Idiot." He spat it like it was vemon.
      "If she had made it, don't you think she'd be standing right in front of us right now?" He said closing his eyes. Naruto looked sad now. "Y-You mean that she's gone?" Naruto asked. I nodded sadly and walked away.
      I walked over to the medical unit and found Ai. I looked over and saw about 8,000 body bags in neat lines. So ran over to me. "Daddy!" She yelled as she ran over to me. I smiled and picked her up. I kissed her head and walked to Temari's house.
      I placed her on the floor and she ran towards Temari yelling "Auntie!" I smiled. "She reminds me of Tsuki." I thought as I watched her play. A short while later, Ai walked up to me. "Daddy..." She said. "Yeah?" I replied quietly. "Where's Mommy?" Ai asked. I looked down at her sadly and sat her on my lap. "She's gone. She died." I said choking on my tears. Ai started crying and I tried to calm her down to no avail.
*Timeskip 2 days*
      Tsuki was buried near the walls of the village near Lady Chiyo. Her headstone was in the shape of the village's symbol. "Is this where Mommy is ?" Ai asked. I nodded sadly as I held her. "She'll always be here in case we need her. She's there for us both." I said with a sad smile. "I don't want to leave Mommy." Ai said. "We won't ever have to." I said. "I miss you Tsuki." I thought. I saw Tsuki standing behind the headstone smiling. "I miss you both." She said. She kissed my cheek and Ai's head before disappearing with the wind. "Goodbye." I thought as my eyes began to tear up. I turned and walked back towards the village.

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