16. Secrets Beneath

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Month Later
-Rei's pov-

"See you later, Rei!" One of the kids said as they headed for school. I just smiled and waved at them until they were out of site.

"I see that the children are gone." Aeko says walked from behind me. I nodded and headed inside. "I'll be out with Suoh for a bit, Rei."

"Why?" I asked after hearing the door shut.

"Suoh, wanted to get my opinion on something," Aeko explains. "Hopefully it doesn't take long. If it does I hope you're able to cook for yourself, Rei."

I pouted at her for saying that. "I'll be fine, Aeko. I have my glasses." I could tell that she was giggle by the sound of something being muffled. "You better go, Aeko. Before she gets inpatient."

"Alright see you in a few hours." Aeko leaves after that with the door shutting behind her. 'Finally, alone at last.' I thought to myself as I put my glasses on and grabbed a book on the self. After what it felt like only half an hour, the sound of knocking was brought to my attention.

"huh?" I looked up in confusion and stood up to look through the peephole. Outside were two men from D-agency, I remained quiet and thought about opening the door or not. Clenching onto my sleeve of my kimono, I opened the door slowly. "What is it?"

"Do you mind if we come in." Hatano asked. I averted my gaze a bit until finally deciding to let him and his other friend come inside. His friend was taller than him but wasn't very build like Amari and had short brown hair.

"Do you mind explaining why you are here?" I asked after closing the door. They were looking around before answering my question.

"Yuuki-san asked me and Kaminaga to talk to you about your sister." Hatano says. I looked away and took off my glasses. "What about her?" I asked, rubbing my fingers against the rims of the lens.

"He was wonder if she had any information about the men that were after you and the ones that killed her." Kaminaga tells me and holds something out to me. I looked at it to see that it was the glasses I lost after meeting Yuuki. "You dropped it before you jumped off the bridge."

"Thank you." I said, slowly taking the glasses back. ".. Aimi kept a lot of things hidden in plain site that even I didn't know of. But I could at least help you try and find it."

"That would help a lot." Hatano says. I nodded and grabbed the spare key Aimi had to the apartment. After we arrived at my sister apartment, I led them to the room where she kept most of her important documents. "If it was anything of importance it should be here," I told them.

After a couple of minutes looking, one of them stepped on something that make a noise i wasn't quite use to hearing. "What was creaking noise?" I asked.

"What do mean?" Kaminaga questioned, turning around towards me. Again the noise was made but much lower. Walking over to him, I pressed my foot against the floorboard. "Under the floor board."

Moving out of the way, Kaminaga moved away the desk that was above the loose floorboard and pulled it off. "Nice work. I didn't realize there was a loose board." Kaminaga says, grabbing something that had been under the floorboard.

"What is it?" I asked.

"A file filled with a lot of documents." Kaminaga says, examining briefly before shutting it closed. "We'll have to take this back to D Agency quickly."

"Hold on." Hatano suddenly says, "Someone's outside. I doubt it's any of the neighbors." He spoke in a much lower voice.

"Is there another way out?" Kaminaga asked quietly. I remained quiet to try an recall any other routes that led outside. "Yeah, there's one under my bed." I said quietly.

"Take us there." I nodded and quickly but very quietly jogged over there. Quickly moving my futon away, I pulled off the floorboard to reveal a tunnel to another apartment. Hatano was the last one in and made sure that the floorboard was nicely shut.

"You and your sister must have been prepared for an escape anytime." Hatano jokes after we had exit the tunnel.

"Yeah, Aimi was very cautious of what might happen." I said, holding my hands together. "I hope got everything you need."

"Hold, Rei." Kaminaga said, before I could return to Aeko's apartment. "..Huh?.. What is it?" I looked at him with a questioning look. "Yuuki-san, wants to speak with you." He tells me. I blinked in confusion and spoke, "Why's that, Kaminaga-san?"

"He said he'll explain it to you when you meet with him." He explains. I looked away and thought before nodding my head. "Alright then I'll be there later tonight. Aeko will be most likely be asleep before I leave." I walked pass them, returning to Aeko's apartment.


11:35 pm


"Can I ask why you called me here, Yuuki-san?" I asked crossing my arms. "If Aeko-san finds that I'm not in my room, it would cause a problem for me."

"A personal matter." He says. I frown at him, "..'Personal matter'? What are you getting at?" Looking up, he stared at me before pushing over a file towards me. Walking to his desk, I looked at the file. My eye jolted in surprise before calming down. ".. I see.. You and sis were planning this from the start when you found out." I said placing the file back down. 

"What do you think about them?" He asked. I tilted my head in confusion before figuring out who he meant. "Special.. In their own way. No wonder why they meet you special criteria, Yuuki." I giggled. "Not too similar, but bound to a code. Just like you."

"What do you say?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded, "Dealing with two sister like friends is way to tiring. I'll accept but do know nothing stay hidden for long, Yuuki." I turned around and headed out before stopping myself. I looked back at him. "Not unless you keep those loose end under close watch." With that I went back to Aeko's apartment.

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