Chapter 10

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It had taken them around fifteen minutes to find the room where Mei's History lessons were. Once she'd stepped through the door a wind had brushed against her in the doorway, making her clothes and veil flutter a bit. Students had turned in their seats at the sound of footsteps so they caught a glimpse of the ethereal atmosphere surrounding her. 

In front of the classroom was a man in his mid-twenties with shoulder length blonde hair that was pulled back at the nape of his neck with a blue tousle tied at the end. He wore simple scholar clothes and wore a gentle but stern mask as he gave detailed accounts on the history of their world. 

Teacher Zen had turned towards her, stopping his sentence midway through, "It's nice to have you back Yang Mei. Please take your seat. Your maid may grab an extra chair from the back of the room."

Mei bowed slightly and Senri followed with a deeper one before they walked down the aisles. In all there were twelve rectangular wooden tables with four students seated at each one. This was the only class that didn't have the students sitting on their knees throughout the lesson. 

As she passed by the students, she could feel their gazes assessing her. When the looks had turned to lust and jealousy she couldn't help her smirk. Someone tried to trip her as she walked by but she simply stepped on the offending leg, causing the girl to screech in pain. 

"You bitch!" She seemed as though she were about to attack Mei. 

Teacher Zen spoke up, "Hanai Sui, go to the back of the classroom and reflect. To have a lady speak such vulgar words, truly detestable."

"Teacher," she whined with tear filled eyes, "Mei broke my leg!"

"Miss Hanai," he sounded exasperated, "Your leg doesn't appear broken and perhaps your leg wouldn't be injured had it not been blocking the pathway?"

Teacher Zen raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at her. In response she slightly sobbed. Teacher sighed in annoyance. "Is anyone willing to escort Miss Hanai to the on site Doctor?"

The girl sitting next to Sui raised her hand and stood to help her up. Sui gave Mei a hateful glare over her shoulder as she sought out the beautiful female. Mei on the other hand acted as though it had nothing to do with her. 

Once they'd left the room, the students had either returned their gazes towards Teacher Zen or surreptitiously taken glances of Mei and Senri. After Mei had gotten out of the bath earlier she'd changed into an all white flowing dress with pink lilies embroidered into the sleeves. A light pink belt wrapped around her slender waist, tying into a flowing bow at the base of her back. The veil she wore was a white that matched her dress with pink tinted pearls hanging at the bottom, adding to the allure. 

Her clothing was actually cheap and simple but the way she held herself made everything look alluring and expensive. 

Teacher Zen cleared his throat to get everyone's attention, "As I was saying previously, today we'll be discussing how the lands were split up among a group of friends. How cultivation began and many iconic figures in our history."

Mei began to tune him out. It wasn't that she was a bad student but she preferred to read information like this than listen. It was easier to retain it. Plus, she didn't think it was as important to learn History as opposed to getting stronger. 

While everyone seemed enraptured with Teacher Zen, including Senri, Mei begun to think about what she needed. First, she needed to figure out a way to earn money aside from taking on Tasks with Senri. Having to walk quite a distance in order to complete Missions and then return would take up a lot of time. That's to say as long as they don't get stopped by robbers on the way there and back. 

The only reason why Mei had decided on this was to upgrade her badge to be accepted as an Assassin as well as train Senri in his agility and reaction time. After a while though it would become annoying to have to continuously travel such a distance. 

What's something I can do inside the City to make money? She's good at killing and healing. Her previous life she'd used being a Healer as a cover for her nightly assassinations. It was the best option for her, even if she really didn't like being around sick people. 

The problem with opening a business to heal others would be the questions from both her mother and Senri. Not only would that be an issue but she'd need money to buy a place to set up shop. Which meant that her and Senri would need to take on many Missions in order to save up that amount. Out of all the problems though, the biggest would be that people would take one look at a fifteen year old and think she was scamming them. 

So in order for me to open a business and be successful I'll need to create a Chameleon Image Potion. The potion only lasts six hours as opposed to the pill which lasts twenty-four but it'll work. That's easily remedied but there's still the other problems.. I guess I can just use the excuse of having a mysterious master. Mei continued trying to think of how to better the Yang Household. 

There was also the fact that the boatman would be going to the Yang Household in four days. Mei began to think about how she would rope him in. Someone who could reach Level 3 with the Water Element in this world was a miracle. More like a genius. If she were to train him properly and begin explaining scientific facts about water she was positive that he'd make a great asset. 

Mei's goal in the long haul was to be powerful. Having the reassurance of being strong and holding the power over a large group of highly skilled cultivators was a temptation she'd not pass up. One of the first to be captured by her was Senri but he was the easiest since he was her servant and couldn't really disobey. Kai would be the second to get roped in. Mei couldn't help feeling excited about the upcoming days. 

"Your homework is to write a two page essay on what we went over today and give me detailed information on one iconic figure of your choosing; give a reason why you chose that person. That's all for today's lesson. Enjoy the rest of your day," Teacher Zen finished before walking out of the room in steady steps. 

Everyone begun to pack up their belongings but now a lot of them were openly staring at the two females. 

One boy with black hair pulled up in a scholar's bun, wearing blue robes, walked hesitantly towards Senri and Mei before asking, "Are you really Yang Mei?"

Mei raised an eyebrow and her mouth slightly twitched behind the veil, "Yes."

Her voice was melodious and rich, sending delightful shivers down some of the guys' backs when they heard it. She grabbed hold of Senri's hand and side stepped around the boy as she walked down the aisle. 

He stood there staring at her back in awkwardness because of the snub.

Outside, Senri said, "Miss, I can walk without you having to hold my hand."

Mei glanced at him and noticed the slight pink tinge. "I already told you that we need to desensitize you. Take this as more training."

He looked thoughtful and then solemnly nodded his head. In the sunlight his blue hair sparkled and shimmered as if it were a waterfall. Mei still felt stunned by all the people with different colored hair. At the thought she pulled her own hair over her shoulder and lightly stroked it.

"Hmm, Senri," she spoke thoughtfully, "Can I have some of your hair?"

He looked at her like she'd grown another head. "Did you find some weird magic needing hair for it?"

When she noticed his horrified look at the thought she couldn't help laughing. "No. I just really like your hair color and wanted to braid it into my own hair."

"Wouldn't it look weird since your hair is longer than my own," he asked confused. 

"Not if I stack your hair together. It doesn't matter about the process anyways. Would you be willing to give me some, please," she pouted her bottom lip but there was no way he could see it. 

He gave a sigh at his Miss's wild behavior but gave up on trying to protest. "Very well, Miss. Just don't make me bald."

Mei looked horrified. "Why would I make you bald?! A woman needs her hair, Senri!"

Miss, I'm clearly a man though. Senri chose to keep his mouth shut. His Miss was just a bit insane and difficult to talk to.

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