Chapter 21

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Kai surprisingly didn't make any noises, even though he couldn't due to exertion, which surprised Mei at his willpower. Even Senri cried tears like a little bunny when she had broken most of his bones from the training she was subjecting him to. 

First thing to break on Kai were his left ankle and right femur which caused him to collapse to the floor. Unfortunately, he landed wrong and ruptured a few discs, broke one of his clavicles, and cracked open his mandible. He lay unmoving as Mei stared at him from the side; his eyes returned her stare with a set determination. 

"Good," Mei said before picking up the bucket, "Stay still... Oh, of course you can't move. Ho ho ho~"

Senri watched his young miss with cold sweat and goosebumps surfacing on his body at her creepy laugh. He turned his eyes away and continued running but made sure to look like he was struggling; if his young miss saw that he was running with ease she'd double the weight. 

Kai continued staring at Mei in a daze at the sudden change to her personality. He hadn't been aware how 'S' she truly was. Mei noticed his glazed over eyes and assumed it was from the pain and gave a sigh. She stepped forward and crouched down to pull the weight out of the cloth to release him of the pressure. Mei began to heal him using Euphoria after she had that taken care of. 

The healing mixture slowly left the bucket and covered all of Kai's wounds; it felt as though a butterfly was fluttering it's wings covered in alcohol against his opened skin. It was two opposing feelings which baffled him. Mei concentrated on her task. It was completely different when healing another person and took longer because she wasn't using her entire soul and leaving her body in order to do it. 

After thirty minutes, Kai was back to looking exactly as he had previously but he could feel the difference. If he took a minute to meditate and use his 'inner eye' he'd be able to see that a bunch of black particles (Strengthening QI) had begun to cling to his bones, tendons, veins, and organs. Kai set back to 'running' with the weights.. it was more similar to a slow speed walk.. or maybe just walking but who was keeping track?

Mei certainly wasn't. She had gone back to sit at a table that had been erected beneath the canopy in the training area and had a maid retrieve parchment and a writing utensil. It was time for her to begin writing down the healing 'regiment' for Brax. If she could heal his eyes it may cause him to serve her out of gratitude. Those who serve a Master because of such usually stay loyal until death. 

Since she had a mass amount of Star Grass she decided to use it as the base agent in the healing salve. Mei paused in thought when she thought about the administration. It would be better to make the medicine into eye drops rather than a salve, less likely for someone to realize he was healed by medicine. If someone finds out his eyes were healed he can always say God visited him in a dream or something. Yeah, that'll work.

Mei put the ink to the parchment and begun to write:

Star Grass
Fully Matured Zǐ dàhuáng  (4 Veins)
Chàndǒu dìhuáng 
Huǒ gégēn 
Bǔzhuō Zhìzhě   

(Grind the Bǔzhuō Zhìzhě and Zǐ dàhuáng into powder; Collect Star Grass Dew inside of a jade bottle and put next to Chàndǒu dìhuáng dew that was already collected; Carve hole inside of Huǒ gégēn big enough for ingredients; Pour together and let sit for 3 days; done in proper order the color should turn purple on 3rd day)

Instructions: Dip needle into medicinal liquid; Hang needle near open eye to allow the drop to fall into; Keep eyes closed for 24 Hours

Mei looked through her work a few times to make sure she got everything down properly. It wasn't as though she didn't know the ingredients, directions, et c. but it would make it easier for her if she knew what exactly she had planned. Sometimes when to much lands on someone's plate, things become messy and there is a chance of a mishap. 

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