The words, when, where, why. All so common to me now. When will this end, where are you, why am i like this? I hate asking myself these things, it makes me feel weird. Please end this.
Another shift ended, a day filled with flour, sugar, cocoa powder, and measuring cups. I look at myself in the mirror. Traces of cake batter were on my face, accompanied with cake flour in my hair and chocolate on my elbows. I fix myself, clock out, and leave for my small apartment that is only a 5 minute walk for me.
I enter my dark apartment, flip the light switch and go straight to my kitchen to make myself some tea. Something I did when I wasn't in the happiest of moods. Fruity tea was my go to, while I wait for the water to heat up I slip off my huaraches and jump into sweats and hoodie. I hear the sound of my kettle indicating it was done and make my tea. I settle myself in my couch and go on my lap top. I scroll through social media, do some school stuff, the usual. I did these to get my mind of other things. That was going well until i saw a picture that my friend had posted when it was my party about 4 years ago.....I think. They were singing happy birthday while I stood there behind my cake that my mother made for me. I remember that day I was both happy and upset though, that was because Jace wasn't around due to reasons that I don't really recall.
I sigh and keep scrolling down to distract myself. I missed him a lot, I haven't seen him in a bit since he was on a trip to Europe to see his cousin that was going to get married for a week, then he went to Japan for a meeting with some old friends, and now he's probably in Tokyo on his way to the airport to come home. If you're wondering why I didn't go, that's because I had to work in the bakery and school was pretty tight especially on us AP students.
He's only been gone for a bit, yet I feel like it's been so long.

L•O•V•E (#wattys2018)
RandomGot inspired (infires) by an old friend. This book is just like a typical scenario book but with names instead of y/n or c/n.. This book will no longer have two writers so it's just me writing them now