Chapter 1

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Zayn's POV

It was just a normal day, in a normal household. Well I wish it was. It was about as normal as a day could get here.

You see we are... different.....special even.

People classify us a freaks, when in reality we are anomalies.

We try to hide who we are, we lay low and under NO circumstances are we to show, tell, or let on who and what we are!

That's why we have rules about our powers.

We don't use our powers unless told to or we are training.

Never use you your powers on someone else.

Don't use them to get out of a punishment.

It's pretty simple, but the boys don't really always follow them.

Another thing is our family is not normal either.

You see Calum, Michael, and I are brothers.

Liam, Harry, and Luke are brothers.

Ashton and Niall are brothers, and poor Louis has no siblings.

Me and Liam grew up together so when we found out we had these abilities we and our siblings moved in together. Along the way we meet Ashton. When he confessed about his powers, we decided to take him and Niall in. We found Louis while at a coffee shop one day. He was homeless and using his power to steal muffins. We decided to take him too.

It's been 3 years since we have been together as a whole family. We all consider ourselves brothers, especially Louis.

We can all get out of hand sometimes, but that's what family is for, to keep you on the right track.


It's been a really long day so far.

This morning Niall and Luke almost BURNED THE FREAKING HOUSE DOWN!!!!!!!

They "tried" to make pancakes and lets just say it didn't work and they ended up standing in the corner for an hour.

Louis and Calum refused to do training this morning because they apparently are "experienced" and "totally ready for the world".

They each got ten warning swats.

The only kids that haven't got in trouble are Harry and Michael and that probably won't last forever.

I absolutely love these boys to death, but they get on my LAST NERVE sometimes!!!

It was just now lunch and Harry was in the kitchen with Liam cooking.

Next thing I know I see Michael running down the stairs.

"Michael, babe, no running I don't want you to fall down." I say calmly.

I care for every single one of the boys in this house, but you especially don't want your own brother to get hurt.

"Sorry, Zayn." He replies to me.

"S'okay. Do you mind taking the laundry out of the dryer for me."

"Umm......sure, I guess I can."

"Thanks buddy." I say and pat his back as he moves along.

I wonder why he seems so hesitant to do so?

Michael's POV


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