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Mean while in Athena kingdom...

I strode through the castle hallways with cool confidence, I smiled at a passing servant but kept walking. I was heading to the throne room to meet my father, king Athena. Turning a corner I nearly missed a unfamiliar girl who was not paying attention to where she was going, she slipped and fell to the marble floor. She wasn't dressed like a servant but rather high royalty "Watch where you are going! Don't you k-" I stopped when she looked up, she was beautiful. Her eyes were green and shining with shame, her features were fallen but her black hair was gorgeous it flowed down to her shoulder blades.

"I'm sorry miss, let me help you up, who are you?" I asked while putting out my hand, she gladly took it and I pulled her up. "Princess Eli, heir to the throne of the Xotha empire" I instantly recoiled away from her, ripping my hand away, Xotha was our long ago enemy, and still is, her beauty didn't matter anymore "what are you doing in the kingdom of Athena!" I shouted at her. She didn't flinch "I had a message for the king! I was just returning home, in fact the guards that should be protecting me from people like you should be here any minute!" Was her sharp reply. And if summoned two guards stepped out of the king's throne room, the place I was heading, to stand behind the princess.

"You dare yell at the heir to this kingdom! Leave the castle at once!" Her face registered shock before she gave a nod and started walking the way she had came. I glare after her, but decided to just go. I headed to the throne room, which was behind where the princess was. I swung open the door with a creak, and saw my father sitting on the throne with a very troubled look on his face. "King Athena, father, what is wrong?" I bowed to him, he snapped his gaze to me while I pulled myself to my feet. "Son, the Princess of Xotha empire came to ask for a peace trade" he said.

"So whats wrong with that, we need that peace?" I asked confused. "They will only hold peace if we bow down to them, and accept them as our King" this made me scowl with anger instantly, how dare they?! "Father! You did not sign it did you?" I asked in a rush. "Of course not, but since we haven't accepted they have declared war, they have not told us when they will strike" he gave me a troubled look. I walked over to him, I didn't want to give him any more stress but I had to make my report "a house was burned down on the outskirts of the kingdom, two adults and a kid, the start of the fire in unknown, but it does look like someone set it on fire purposely, survivors are unknown of" he sighed "that is not important right now, but surely is a tragedy".

"We will being have a special dinner with the army leader, the council, and the town speaker, be ready for it, we will meet in the dining hall, you may go royal prince" I quickly bow and left the room, dismissed, I headed towards my bedroom.

-------------some time  later-------------

"Let's go over this one more time, city speaker you tell the towns people that war might break out, and if so everyone must go to war shelter. Army leader, tell the troops they must be ready to battle at any moment. Finally the council do you agree with my decision?" Murmurs of agreement swept through the long table, the scent of delicious food rose from every plate, a feast just to discuss the war. I slumped in my chair, arms across my chest, boredom making me tune out of the meeting of the most important people in the palace.

The only thing saving me was the voice of my father "dismissed". I quickly stood up and walked to the door but to only be met with frustration "the royal prince, you will not be leaving yet". I slowly turned around, hiding my frustration so my dad didn't get mad "when the war comes, we both know they are much stronger, we barley stand a chance, so I don't want you fighting" I was shocked "but father! I trained my whole life for this!" I exclaimed. "It doesn't matter, my son will not be to harm". Fighting was useless with him, so I nodded angrily and stormed out of the diner hall, not waiting for a real dismissal.

Suddenly it dawned on me, why didn't my father just capture the princess to provoke the battle? I met no answer but instead ran straight into a noble, being busy lost in my thoughts he looked very strong. "Oh I'm sorry" he didn't even stumble instead he replied "that's okay, I am looking for the king have you seen him, he needs me to watch his son so he doesn't sneak into the war trucks" my anger rose. "No! My farther will not have someone watching over me" I slipped past him aiming for the doors to the city but he effortlessly snagged my arm. "Royal prince, heir to the throne of Athena kingdom, I am sorry but I serve the king" I gasped under his strength and he took no notice of my pain as he yanked me so hard I stumbled to the hard marble floor, now in front of him rather then behind, farther to the entrance.

Is this how Irang feels? I remembered all I did to the poor filthy kid, suddenly feeling guilty, I rubbed my elbow, it hit the ground first. Not even my training in combat didn't prepare me for the viscous noble who was already crossing the floor to me. He grabbed my hand that I was rubbing the pain from and pulled me to my feet "you will not disobey me" he said with an evil grin. "Now we will go to your room, pack the things you need, and go to the shelter". I nodded, yanking my arm free of his tight grip. We headed to my chambers disappointment weighing on my shoulders, I would not be participating in the war, even though this is my future kingdom! If there is a future...


Sorry for the boring chapter but I had to explain how the war was coming along, it hurts to abuse the royal prince with the noble but yeet it had to be done, his name will be revealed shortly. Both of there names.... ;)

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