The First Fight

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One week later....

¨Ẅe should have a fight, you are ready¨ Pompeii said, while I was in training. The idea shocked me, and I instantly grew scared of the possibility. ¨What?!¨

¨Let's go, come on¨ Pompeii walked away, I sulked in anger, sure I was able to be my dragon, but that didn't mean I had to fight Pompeii, what if I fell? I felt like it was to soon, but I had no choice but to follow her as she came out in the main cave. By the time I came out, Pompeii was in flight, painting the sky red.

I felt the sensation of change, and looked down to see black paws and scales, with a white chin and bottom, my whole back was black, with my stomach and below my chin, plus my tail being white. I roared, and ran at the cave entrance, I jumped from the cave and fell down, I unfolded my dark wings and instantly slowed down, I flew as high as Pompeii and suddenly felt the urge to fight her.

¨Are we going to do this or what?¨ She called, I simply let out a stream of fire, signaling my First Fight.

Pompeii laughed, as if I had no chance, I realized she was right, there was no shadow in the sky I could meld into, an idea came to mind and I took off towards the clouds, flying higher and higher until I was free of the forest and looking at the setting sun, above the clouds. I closed my eyes, feeling the breeze calm me down. I grew darker, the white that was apart of me vanished and in it's place was black. I opened my eyes, with no warning I darted down from the clouds and built up speed, things around me became blurry as my one target came into focus.

Pompeii looked up, far to late to move out of the way for my attack, before I clashed into her I folded in my wings and let my claws hit her first. She almost looked scared, she was frozen in place, flapping her wings as I crashed into her, she shrieked as my claws pierced her flesh, and together we fell to the forest. Pompeii's claws were suddenly on my now dark chest, and she pushed, she was ripped away as a current of wind took her up, I glimpsed the bloody gash my claws had made on her flank as I fell, I flapped my wings before I hit the ground, saving myself from the deadly drop, I flew just above the trees.

Heat spread through my back and turned painful but didn't burn me due to my dark spirit, I growled and knew it was Pompeii's fire. I took off towards the sky, and the beam of fire did not follow, I turned on the spot and saw Pompeii looking at me with a challenge, I roared and took off after her, I kept my belly black, and before I got to close I dove, falling below Pompeii and heading towards the mountain with our cave, I had a plan. Pompeii growled and soon was following me, there was a shaded part of the mountain, because the sun was on one of the mountain, this shaded part had sharp ruts and rocks, risky but it was my only chance of winning.

As the cave drew closer, I made a sharp left, I heard the grunt as Pompeii lightly slammed into the mountain, satisfaction made me laugh, and I traveled faster, with a struggling Pompeii behind me. I followed the curve of the mountain, my wings tilting in the slightest, I rounded the final corner and felt cooler in the shaded part of the mountain. My grimy scales slowly melded into the shadow and I felt lighter, and more comfortable in this state, I looked back, spotting a frantic looking Pompeii.

¨Not so easy, is it?¨ I quickly moved as Pompeii spitted fire in the direction of my voice, I laughed and charged forward, heading to the pitch black tunnels. Pompeii lumbered after me, and I became visible once again, fire passed over my head as I ducked into the tunnels, my vision instantly adjusted, and I narrowly dodged sharp edges and curved around razor rocks. The dark flickered at the ends of my vision, and I gasped in horror.

Just as my sight failed, I saw a dangerous looking rock, I gasped in pain as I slammed into the rock, the razor sharp edges cutting deep into my wing, suddenly the ground shifted and I felt the rocks above tumble down. They hit me with huge force, trapping me against the sharp rocks. ¨Oh my god! Irang, are you okay?!¨. I whimpered, and soon Pompeii came to land next to me, she opened her mouth and the cave lit up, fire was settled on her tongue. She froze suddenly, and I wondered what she saw.

¨Is it ba...¨ I stopped mid-sentence as I looked around, my left wing was free, but my right had bits of rocks sticking out, that were still connected to the wall, my back was no where in sight, and when I looked up to where the boulders came from, I realized where all the extra weight had come from. On top of the rock pile was a baby dragon.

The baby dragon had a terrified face, as if he was scared of us, but what shocked me to no end was the baby dragons appearance. The dragon had not one scale on it's little body, and it's fur was like a rainbow, no, not fur, feathers.

The baby dragon had feathers.

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