The Beginning of it all

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The royal prince of Athena kingdom hit me again, this time knocking me to  the ground, I winced rubbing the spot were he had struck me. Inside I was fueled with anger but I couldn't do anything about that. "How pathetic, Athena kingdom deserves better then you" the prince laughed at me. I could feel my nails getting a little bit sharper, this has happened every time he would bully me, but I didn't know what it was. "Leave me alone" I said weakly, his response was to kick me in the stomach making the wind rush out of my body. I gasped for air while clutching the spot he hit me. I saw his leg while on the ground and with all my strength I swiped my nails across the fabric, ripping his jeans open. He gasped "you will pay for that!" He shouted before walking away.

I sighed in relief, I didn't get to his flesh but it was enough to get him away, my anger died down as pain replaced it, my nails went back to normal and I could no longer feel heat trapped in my throat. I stood up and slowly stumbled through the village and in to our little cottage on the outskirts of the kingdom. "Hello mother" I called out. "Irang's home!" My three year old brother yelled, he was rocking in a chair, but got off to come hug me, I hugged his little frame, praying I wasn't going to fall over.

"Honey! Supper is almost ready!" My mom shouted from the kitchen. I smiled at this, I didn't feel so good because of the prince, this was just what I needed. Jin, my little brother, let go of my legs so he could go help Mom set up the table, I missed his warmth but decided to follow him anyway. The door suddenly opened my father walked in, dirty from his day at work. He smiled at me and ruffled my hair, before going to wash up. "Dad's home!" I yell to no one. I sat down at the supper table and await my food, mom, dad, and Jin come to sit by me. We quickly pray to our King for this meal and start eating. "Mom! This is amazing" I say to her across the table. "Thanks Irang" she says back.

After eating me and Jin head to our rooms for the night, after brushing our teeth and taking a shower we tuck in, in the fading distance my mom and dad's soft voices blur together. 

I yawn and sit up, I get out of bed and change my clothes, silently getting ready for school. "Irang, it's a holiday you don't have to go to school, just go out and enjoy the day" my mother says, suddenly behind me. "Oh I forgot, thanks Mom" I continue to get ready. I hug my mother before running out the door, barley remembering the hot feeling in my hand as I touch the wood of my house. I head into the forest, a perk of living on the outskirts, I go to my friends meeting place, a clearing with a stream and a log, with a tree to climb. The trees open around me, Jun was already here. "Where's Wren?" I ask him

He just shrugs, always the quiet one. I'm the smart one and Wren is the imaginative and fun one, no one is the stupid one in our group of friends.

A wind picks up, sending smoke into the sky "what's that?" I ask Jun, he shrugs again and mutters a good bye. "What? Where are you going?" I ask, but he already had walked away. After angrily starring after him I ran towards the smoke, it was coming from the direction of my house a great sense of unease ignited in me with it a bad feeling. I ran under the trees and jumped over logs, I didn't stop even when my hand got cut on a prickle. "MOM DAD JIN!" I screamed. The trees finally stopped and I halted in my tracks, my family's small house was concealed in flames, the only door out collapsed. "No" I whisper "NOOO" I scream at the top of my lungs to the burning house, rage that this happened to only our house consumed me. It all happened so fast seemingly out of anger, my nails grew sharper, flames erupted in my throat, scales ripped my skin up and replaced it. "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!" pain seized my back, I could feel something coming out of my skin I screamed in pain, wings in closed me, I could feel myself growing. A spiked tail came out of me as well. I fell over, and when I got back up I was on all fours.

I looked down to see talons and scales. I knew I was a dragon a voice in my mind telling me so. "Why! Why me!" I whispered, I was huge, my wings just below the trees, anger surged through me and I found myself pushing down my wings as hard as I could, which caused me to go airborne. "No! Go back down!" Nothing happened. I found myself flying higher and higher, not being able to control where I was going or doing. The heat in my throat was set loose, in a current of fire, it caught on the trees and more smoke came to play. I flew high above the trees, but it wasn't me controlling my flight, it was a magical force, it carried me away from Athena and into the distant mountains, where a cave was. My wings barley make it through without touching the top, by now tears we're streaming down 'my' leather skin, everything started to shrink, my anger replaced by sadness untill I was human again, sobbing on the cold cave floor.

I looked up through the blur of tears, and crawled to the edge of the cave, a far drop was below me, if I fell I would have fallen into sharp rocks, beyond that trees surrounded the mountain and Athena was a small blur on the horizon. The tears stopped as fear took over my body, a voice echoed along the cave walls "How did you get up here?" It was dark and full of menace, loud and booming, it didn't belong to a human. It sounded dangerous and threatening, when I had the courage to turn around, I was met with the blazing eyes of a dragon, far bigger then the one I was. It's face was inches away from my mine, it's eyes angry and it's sharp yellow teeth bared, this wasn't any young dragon, it was ancient, and ready to eat me with a snap of it's huge jaws.

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