Is this really happening?

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Deeks' POV

"What are you doing here at your wedding day, Deeks?" Sam asked incredulously.

"I'm here to work, Sam." I said.

"But today's your wedding! Shouldn't you be doing marriage stuff or something?" Callen asked.

"Yes, but Talia is taking care of that." I answered.

"But the wedding is after lunch." Sam said.

"Exactly." I said as we heard a whistle. "A case? Really? Today?"

"Nope, not a case, but Assistant Director Mosley wants to speak with you upstairs!" Eric said pointing at me.

"Yeah, okay! I'm coming!" I said as I started going upstairs. As I got into OPS, Mosley looked at me with a weird smile. "What's up?" I asked looking at Mosley.

"I wanted to congratulate you on your marriage, Mr. Deeks! I am aware of your engagement with Ms. Del Campo for a long time now, but I have to talk with you about something." Mosley said leaving me a little intrigued.

"About what?" I asked.

"About your partner, Ms. Blye." When people say Kensi's name, I can only think about how much I want to be with her, makes me think if I really love Talia, if I really want to marry her. "As you know, Ms. Blye is very shaken up because of what happened between you and Ms. Del Campo. I didn't like your relationship, but everyone could see how Kensi loved you.." Mosley said and then stopped for a second. "And everyone could see how much you loved her, honestly, I think you still love her, but it's your choice Mr. Deeks, you have to choose to live happily ever after with someone you don't love or with someone you love, which one of them you want to spend the rest of your life with!" When Assistant Director said that, I couldn't disagree with it, because she was totally right. "You can go home, now. Think about today, think about what you want for your life and think about the people you love." I turned around to get out of OPS, but looked back.

"Thank you, Mosley! That actually helped." I said and turned to leave. When I got to the bullpen, Kensi was standing there. "Hey!" I said trying to hide the smile that came to my face.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" She asked kind of disappointed to see me.

"I came here to work, but it seems that no one wants me here." I said letting out a soft laugh as I got closer. "You weren't expecting me here?" I asked only inches from her.

"Deeks..." Kensi said putting a hand over my chest. "We can't..."

"I just need you to say it, Kens..." I said grabbing her face between my hands.

"Deeks..." She kept saying my name. "We can't do this..." She said getting out of my reach. She picked up her things and turned to leave, looking back. "See you at the wedding." She said turning away and leaving HQ. I got in my car and drove home. When I got there, Talia was getting ready in our room.

"Talia, I need my suit!" I screamed knocking on the door. "Talia?"

"You do, but I need to get ready and you can't see me!" She screamed back and I laughed softly.

"Can you try and pass me the suit through the door, please?" I asked.

"I can try..." She said opening the door and gave me a pack with the suit in it.

"Thank you!" I said as soon as she closed the door. As I got out of work, I couldn't stop thinking about what Mosley said. Do I really want to marry Talia? I got ready and left to the church. When I got there, everyone except Kensi. The ceremony then started and Talia came in with her father. Everything was perfect except one thing: Talia wasn't the person I wanted to see walking down the aisle. I took a look around and saw Kensi standing there with her black heels on and a cornflower blue dress. She was stunning. I lost myself looking at Kensi when I heard Talia saying my name.

"Deeks! Are you there? Hey, is everything ok? You zoned off for a second." Talia said letting out a soft laugh.

"Yeah, no, I'm good, just distracted." I said smiling at her. "Should we start the ceremony?" I asked the priest. As he started the ceremony, my mind was only able to think about Kensi. The priest then said the most awaited quote.

"If anyone has any oppose to do, say it now or stay shut forever." As the priest said that, I heard Talia murmur something like no one would oppose to our love, but I was still hoping for something from Kensi. As Kensi kept shut, I decided to make a move.

"Can I just say something before having a chance to make a mistake, please?" I asked looking at the priest.

"I don't think you can oppose to your own wed-" The priest said, but was interrupted by Sam.

"Let him talk!" Sam said knowing what I wanted to say. The priest made a move with his head giving me license to talk.

"I just wan-" I started, but a small voice interrupted me. Kensi...

"Wait! Let me talk first, please!" She pleaded and I made a motion for her to talk. "Love has never been easy for me. Twenty years ago I was engaged... ten years ago I was engaged and now, I wanted to be married... Not because my love life sucks, but because I still love the person that proposed to me ten years ago. I didn't want to say the obvious, but I love you, Deeks! I always did and I always will! Ten years ago, you told me I was your world and I'm telling you: You are my world. I swear that I tried to forget you, but I couldn't... because you are the love of my life!" As Kensi finished saying this little speech everyone was in tears, even Talia.

"Wow... Now I know why you love her that much!" Talia said and I looked at her with a surprised and kind of begging look. "Just go!" She said and I hugged her. I, then, ran through the audience and embraced Kensi, my arms around her waist and hers around my neck, picking her up from the floor and spinning her around.

"Ah," I said letting out a shaking breath. "I love you so much, Kensi! I have a question, though..." I said pulling out of our embrace. "What I said ten years ago is still the truth, Kens... I love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you." I said getting in one knee. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes, of course I will marry you, Deeks!" She said hugging me. "What about Talia?" She murmured.

"Just don't worry about her!" I answered with a cheesy smile. We broke our embrace and kissed, we waited so long to share a kiss that we just wanted to take advantage of it. We broke apart moments after. "I love you, Kens, a lot!" I said letting our foreheads together.

"I love you, Deeks, so much!" She answered and kissed me one more time.

And they actually lived happily ever after. Only pure love haunted them.

A/N: Hey, guys! Okay, I know it took me so long to post, but I didn't know what to write until @densi.itsalovestory from ig *btw, follow me on instagram @dontworryfern* asked me to write a wedding fanfic, so here it is! Hope y'all like it!! 😁
Byeee! 😊💕

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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