Chapter One: The End of Joey Drew

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"Bendy, HELP!!" Mia screamed as an even uglier "Alice" grabbed her leg, dragging her towards a puddle of bad ink. Boris was fighting with Joey, and Bendy ran down the hallway with a sharp pipe, aiming at his little sister's captor.

"Hang on, Mia! I'm coming!" Bendy grabbed Mia's arm and hit "Alice" with the pipe. "Alice" fell back and Mia hid behind a nearby shelf. "I... need her... so I... I can become... the perfect Alice," grumbled the monster. Bendy snarled. "Stay away from my brother and sister, you freak!" With a final blow from the pipe, "Alice" melted away as if she were acid.
Mia ran from behind the shelf and hugged her brother. Bendy wiped her tears and caressed her back. "Shh, Mia. It's okay, Bendy's here. Your brother's here." "Wh-What did she want me for? Why did "Alice" want me with her?" she whined. Bendy brought her face to his.

"When Alice came from the ink machine, she was beautiful. Because of Joey, something happened to her, and she went crazy. Because you're the only other girl, Alice wanted to take you and become 'perfect'," Bendy explained, "But you don't need to worry anymore, toots. C'mon now, Boris needs our help."

"Leave my brother and sister ALONE!!!" Boris roared, hitting Joey upside the head with the wrench again. Joey staggered back and fell into an ink puddle, wiping blood from his lip. "Now now, Boris," he crooned, "You've already done so much. You've upset me so many times before. You don't want your organs to be ripped out again... do you, boy?" Boris lowered the wrench as Bendy and Mia ran down the stairs of the basement. They saw him standing in front of Joey.
"Boris," Joey began, "Listen to me. I'm sorry for what I did to you those years ago. We can be together again! Where you don't have to worry about your older brother and little sister! Bendy was always a trouble maker, and Mia came to life just a few years ago. Come to me so I can fix this."

Bendy left Mia on the stairs and walked closer to the said ink cartoon. "Boris, don't you dare do it! If you leave with... with him... I... I don't know..." Bendy's words were swept away by his tears as he grew angry. "Bendy, please go back to Mia!" Boris pleaded, "I can take care of this! You have to protect her!"
"I have to protect both of you!!!" Bendy's right eye was covered in ink. His body was starting to melt. Joey, angered by the thought of losing his experiment, growled and grabbed Boris' arm. "I'm sick of this! You're coming with me!!!" The said character struggled in his grasp.

Mia ran down the stairs in order to help her brother, but an inky Bendy held her back. "Bendy, stop it! BORIS!!!" "Don't come after me! What about your illness?!" That's all he was able to say before Joey covered his mouth. More ink ran down the side of Bendy's face. He dropped the pipe and stared at Mia. "Stay here."
He kissed her forehead, leaving a bit of ink. With that, he disappeared in a puddle, leaving the young one alone.

The lights went out, and Mia was still standing where she was, scared to death of what happened and what could end up happening. "Where's Bendy and Boris? Did the Creator kill them?! Am I now ALONE?!!" She began to have another panic attack, just like she did years ago. "BEEENDY!!! BORIS, I'M SCAAAAARED!!!" The poor young demon wailed, falling to her knees. The only things she could hear were her muffled cries and small screams, plus the sounds of ink dripping. When Mia calmed down a bit and looked away from the ground, she saw a tiny, dim light, containing a large, ebony, slick figure hitting something...

Or someone.

Before she could get to her feet, two arms scooped her up and ran, the figure in the light fading away from her sight. "B-Boris...?" The figure peered into the girl's eyes. "It's me, Mia. It's okay, Bendy'll be here soon, I promise. Stay here with me, okay?" Boris held his sister close to his chest as they went into the elevator. Mia cried again, wondering if Bendy was okay or not. His illness had been bothering him for too long; it always got worse when Joey was around.

About an hour passed, and Mia fell asleep in Boris' lap. There was a knock on the elevator door that jolted Boris and Mia from their thoughts and slumber. Boris, who had been staying alert, carefully moved a groggy Mia and signaled her to stay quiet.
He peeped out the window to the elevator and gasped, prying open the door. Mia scrambled to help with the other side of the door and hugged an ink and blood stained Bendy in a greeting. He gave a weak smile to his younger siblings and lurched.

Bendy boiled over in Mia's arms, his head landing on her shoulder. His breathing was heavy, and Boris rubbed his back. "We... we don't have to worry... about him... anymore. N-not... anym... BLEEEAAAGH!!!!" Bendy threw up, getting thick, cold ink all over his arms and Mia's shoulder. The slick goop ran down the left side of her dress.
"Oh no! Your illness got worse than it was before!" Mia held her brother's face. Bendy's small hands clutched onto her dress as he threw up again, this time in her lap. "C'mon, Mia," Boris said, "Let's get him to the bathroom." He picked up the sick demon and headed to the bathroom, Mia by his side. She stayed outside the room, waiting for the boys and listening to their conversation.

"Bendy, stay still, bro. I gotta clean your face."
"No... I can't stop this... I'm sorry you gotta... gotta see me like this..."
"It's not your fault, bro. Here, wipe your arm."
"Bendy, are you okay?! What is it?!!"

Mia didn't care about the fact that it was a boy's bathroom anymore. She went inside, finding Bendy throwing up once again in the toilet. Boris wiped his eyes and looked up at his sister. She was panicking again: sweat was running down her face and throat like a river. Boris ran over to her, trying to stop her from hyperventilating so much.
"C'mon, Mimi, remember what I said. Deep breaths, in and out, in and out." It wasn't working; Mia stared at Bendy, thinking about the ink he threw up on her that was now making its way down her leg. It was a horrifying experience, yet she was used to him getting sick. Just like how he was used to her having her panic attacks.

Bendy wiped his mouth and looked up at Mia, who was being engulfed in Boris' bear hug. "Mia... Mia I'm sorry..." The small demon fainted. The pain from regurgitating ink so much made him pass out.
Boris and Mia ran to his side and Mia checked his neck. "G-Good, he's still breathing." Boris brought Mia close to him and kissed her cheek. "Don't worry, sis. We'll get outta here," he reassured her.
"I promise you that."

Word count: 1,214. Deal with it.