Chapter Six: The Tour

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"Okay then," Vanilla Chai Tea said and clapped her hands together, "I hope you all love this school! There are a lot of students and teachers here that will help you. Let's go ahead and start the tour, shall we?"

'Enthusiastic, aren't you?' Bendy smirked at his thought and glared at Cuphead, who was peacefully chewing some bubble gum. His soft red eyes seemed to gleam from the lights on the ceiling. Boris shook him from his little trance and he blushed. "Hey bro, you okay?" "Oh... um, yeah," Bendy coughed, shooing Boris' hand and leading the way down the hall with the Cups. "Before we start anything," Mugman said, "We need to introduce ourselves, especially since yesterday didn't really go well between all of us. But, only if that's okay with you, Cuppy," Cuphead shrugged his shoulders and popped his bubble gum.
'Why do I find that... so... no, no, no! He's your enemy! Stop it!!' Bendy scolded his self. "I'm Mugman, that's Cuphead, and this is Vanilla Chai Tea!" he proclaimed, hugging Vanilla. "You can just call me Vanilla, or Vanilla Chai if you want to. I don't mind at all," she giggled. Mia noticed that she had a bandage patch on her cheek, just like how Cuphead had one of the bandage patches on his arm.

"What happened to you two to get those patches?" Vanilla's eyes went wide; so did Cuphead's. "N-Nothing," he growled, "Just get on with the tour." Bendy glanced at him before Mugman announced the first classroom. "This is Mr. Dice's classroom, or Room 101. He teaches calculus, geometry, and algebra I, II, and III." Boris whined a little and waved his hand as if he was already in the classroom.
"Um, Mugman, what's algebra, calculus, and geometry?" "Geometry is math that talks mostly about shapes and their perimeters," Vanilla explained, "Algebra speaks more of certain variables and numbers for equations, and calculus is pretty much the same thing, except it's a bit harder than algebra. They're all very hard subjects, though. But, don't worry about it, Boris. You'll be able to understand it after a while." Boris smiled and wagged his tail a little.

The group went down the rest of the halls, getting all the classroom numbers memorized. Ms. Baroness von Bon Bon was the Home Economics teacher in room 200, Ms. Hilda Berg taught Astronomy class in room 126, Ms. Sally Stageplay's theatre class was in room 206, Mr. Djimmi the Great was the History teacher in room 106, Ms. Clarabelle was the music teacher in room 207, and Mr. Horace was the band teacher in room 205.
(There are A LOT of other teachers and classrooms, but I'm not gonna put them all. But, it does make sense to put the music, band, and the theatre rooms together, right? Just wondering.😃)

The time was now 7:55 and the bell rang. "Well, it looks like you gotta go to class," Mia said, "Yet we do too." Bendy grabbed her arm and walked away with Boris. "See you later, punks!" Cuphead shouted at them. Vanilla walked off to her class and Mugman and Cuphead left. "I enjoyed the tour," he said, "But it's not nice to call them punks, Cuppy."
Cuphead spun his brother around so he could face him. "You do realize that they're demons, right? Everyone has a little demonic possession power in them, thanks to us!" Mugman lowered his head. "I know." "Then act like you know, Mugs. Besides, we started this, and we gotta fix it. There's no other way around it. New students just mean new enemies to fight later on."

The first bell rang and Mia was in her first class: Mr. Oswald's science classroom. She noticed that her brothers weren't there, but Vanilla was waving at her to sit next to her. "H-Hey, Vanilla Chai," she mumbled. Vanilla smiled at her. "I didn't think that I was gonna see you sooner than I expected! Welcome to science class." Mia made a small smile.
This was still new to her. Boris and Bendy weren't in the same place with her, and Mia's first priority was to stay close to her brothers at all times. She could feel her body tense up when the tardy bell rang. Leftover students came pouring in and the teacher closed the door behind him. "Mia, you alright?" Vanilla tapped her shoulder and she jumped. "Oh! I-I'm fine, thanks. It's nothing serious."

The teacher sat down at his desk and looked up at his class. "Good morning, everyone. Today it seems like we have three new students here, but the other two will come in my later classes." Mr. Oswald was probably 5 feet 10 inches, and he appeared to be made from ink too. He wore a long wrinkled blouse, long black pants, and brown shoes. His long ears hung at the sides of his head. (do your ears hang low, do they wobble to the floor, can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow... I'm sorry, I'll stop now😂😉)
"Do you mind if you could stand up and tell us a bit about yourself?" he asked softly. Mia nodded her head and stood up. Everyone turned their attention to her and she spoke. "M-My name is Mia Ink (couldn't think of any other last name sorry), I live with my two older brothers, and as you can see, I-I'm pretty shy. For the most part, I don't know how school works, b-but Vanilla Chai is helping me. I don't feel really comfortable without my brothers here with me, but I think I'll be okay. Um, anyway, I hope that you guys can make me feel better, and I hope to become your friends...?"

A few of the students whispered and giggled. Mia sat back down, red blush all over her face. Vanilla cracked a little smile, trying to calm her down. "Alright, guys. Take out your science notebooks and turn to page 79 in your textbooks. Mia, you don't need to worry about anything for now; everyone is taking a test over the lesson," Mr. Oswald said and took out the test papers.
The class is quiet for about an hour or so until Mia was hit by a paper ball. She turned around from her sketchbook and snarled at the girl who threw the ball: Cala Maria. Her heart shaped devil's tail shot back and forth in the air and she went back to drawing. Vanilla tapped her shoulder. "Hey Mia, you okay? What is it?" "Oh nothing much, just the Little Mermaid back there obviously wants to go to hell early," she said with a blank stare. Vanilla blushed deeply at that comment and went back to her test.

After the test, there were still 25 minutes until class was over, so Mia was talking with Vanilla Chai, well, until Cala Maria went at it again. "I heard that the new girl's the devil's daughter," she whispered to a few friends. Mia tried hard to keep calm while Vanilla was talking to her about a few other classes they were taking. That was when Mariposa (my Cuphead O. C.) threw another ball at her and she snapped.
"Could you please leave me alone?! I don't remember doing anything to you guys today." Cala Maria and Mariposa giggled at her. "What's your name again, newbie?" Cala Maria asked. "For one, my name is not 'newbie', and for two, my name is Mia Ink. Why are you talking to me?" Almost all the students looked at her as the fight progressed.

What happens in the fight? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z