Chapter Nine: Second part to the Food Fight

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(Your lunch money is mine)

Bendy stood up and screamed his head off at everyone in the lunch room. "WHOEVER THE FUCK THREW THIS AT ME IS GONNA DIE SOON!!!" Mia was already scared, and Boris still wore his confused look like the tall cinnamon roll he was.

Vanilla and Mugman got up and pointed at their older brother. "He did it!!!" (can't trust them with secrets, am I right?) Cuphead pushed his chair back as Bendy turned into his ink monster form. Everyone else was whispering and talking about the situation until someone flung a bit of chili on Cuphead's shirt.
"WHO DID THAT?!!!" he screamed. Of course, no one said anything, making Bendy laugh. "Oh, mister Cuppy doesn't like it when it happens to him, huh?" Cuphead got triggered, and pushed Bendy into the ground and screamed everyone's favorite line:


Food went everywhere. People were fighting, some were crying (ya big babies), the tables were flipped to look like giant spaces like the war (┻━┻ ︵ヽ('Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻); let's just say it was bad. Very bad.

Mia and Boris jumped behind a table when Vanilla threw a piece of cinnamon roll at someone behind them. "Sorry about that guys!" she shouted. Boris whined and hid from a cup of chili hitting the nearby window. "What is going on with these people?" Mia shrugged, but got worried when she didn't see Bendy.
"Where did he go?!" she said, her voice shaking with every word that came out of her mouth. Boris noticed this and held her close. "Let's see if we can go outside without getting hit with anything," he said in a calm voice, "Then we can look in from the window to find Bendy, okay?" Mia nodded her head and stood up with her brother, who picked her up and ran for the door.

Let's check on Bendy, shall we? 😏😏

Bendy was currently fighting with Cuphead while dodging attacks from other people around him. Vanilla and Mugman were somewhere else in the cafeteria, possibly fighting with the bullies. "Look at what you started," Cuphead growled at him and held the demon down. He was practically on top of him...
That's weird...
* Insert straw here *
"GET THE HELL OFF ME!!!" Bendy roared and threw Cuphead into a nearby wall. Luckily, before more shit started, a few of the teachers came in and stopped the fight, bringing Principal Mortimer Mouse with them.

"Who started this ridiculous mess with the food we provided for you ignorant students?!" Mr. Mortimer shouted. Everyone stopped what they were doing and pointed at Cuphead and Bendy. "They started it!!" (tattle tails) The boys looked out the window to see Mugman, Vanilla, Boris, and Mia in the hallway, staring back at their childish older brothers.
"I expect better behavior from you boys," Mr. Mortimer snarled, "But first, you two and the other students are going to help the lunch ladies and gentlemen who prepared this food for you clean it up. After that, you all are going to write me an essay on your behavior."

The students groaned and the teachers silenced them, yet Bendy rolled his eyes and turned into his regular form. "I didn't ask for complaints, ladies and gentlemen," the principal growled, "But I do suggest that you all get to work immediately. I'll take the kids in the hallway to my office until their siblings are done with their work." He turned around and walked to the door when he said, "Those essays must be in my office on Friday, students."

Bendy groaned, picked up a mop, and started cleaning up the orange juice from the floor, bending over in the process. Unfortunately for him, Cuphead was behind him with a rag, cleaning up some chili on a table. He looked over at Bendy's hind end and smirked.
'Damn, dat ass...' he thought, 'Wait a minute, hol' up... I can't have feelings for him! He's a demon! I still gotta kill him and his brother and sister! They could be the Devil's followers.'

Bendy probably noticed Cuphead staring, because he huffed and turned around to see what he was doing. "Don't let me catch you outside, Cuphead." Cuphead blushed a little hearing Bendy say his name. It slid from his perfectly puckered pout so well.
It rolled off his tongue like white milk (or something else insert Lenny Face), and Cuphead seemed to be swept away by it. 'Maybe I can hide my feelings for him,' he thought.

'.... just maybe.....'