Chapter Four: New Students...?

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About five minutes passed after the cups left the casino. Mia turned to Bendy and glared at him. "Why does a fight have to start every single day?"

"What do you mean by that, toots?!" Bendy obviously sounded offended. He was trying to protect her from a potential pervert, yet Mia thought this was his fault! "Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that you almost broke that guy's face! " Mia got up and left the casino, her face red with anger. She needed to be alone.
"Shit, c'mon Boris," Bendy snarled, grabbing his hand and taking him out of the casino with his fries. "But I gotta throw away the tray!" Boris whined. He spotted Mia by a lamp post, her back to him. Boris walked over to her and asked what was wrong. "Didn't you hear the fight?!" she yelled, "Bendy and that Cuphead guy were going at it!"

"Mia," Boris smiled and said, "I heard the whole thing. In fact, I was there too, you know. It was an accident. Bendy's trying hard to keep us safe." Bendy walked up to his sister and looked at her. "Don't ever feel like I'm trying to hurt you, Mimi. Remember that." He hugged her and the trio walked home. While they were walking, they were practically crawling. Too much mother freaking stuff happened in one day, and they were very beat.
When they got inside, Bendy flung himself on the couch while Boris and Mia sat by him. "I oughta sock that Cuphead!" he grumbled as Boris pressed a button on the TV, flipping through the channels. "I do wonder what he was talking about, though," Mia said, "Didn't Joey say he would enroll us in school before the whole fiasco?"

"Yeah!" Boris jumped up, startling Bendy and Mia a little. "He did! Joey was talking to me about it, and I still have the enrollment letter and everything!" The wolf ran up the stairs and went through the pocket of his overalls. When he pulled out the letter, it had a bit of ink on it, but fortunately, it was dry.
He flew back down the steps and hopped on the couch. Bendy patted his head as a compliment and opened the letter. "Hm, it says Joey's signature on it, along with the name of the principal of the school: Principal Mortimer Mouse."

The teens read the whole thing and Mia sighed. "Well, I guess tomorrow is our first day of school." Bendy blinked twice. "We don't have any supplies for that place! We're making a store run." Boris yawned at him and whined. "But it's only 2:40 in the morning! Can't you just go there by yourself?"
Bendy looked at him and smirked. "As long as you sleep with Mia while I'm gone. Keep the door locked; I'll call you when I'm coming back from the store, alright, Boris?" He wagged his tail and hugged him and Mia in response. "I love you guys so much!"

Bendy waved to them and left. He went down the street and crossed over, knowing that the store was on the other side of the road. As he walked, he could see into people's houses; their windows weren't covered and lights bounced around in the houses.
He saw children dancing with their parents, heard them singing and playing games and having fun. If only he and his siblings knew how it felt to be happy. Henry wanted to help; he was not a threat to them. But Joey had to get so jealous of how much he cared about them. He killed Henry because he was more of a father figure than he could ever be.

Bendy blinked back his tears and kept walking, for he even knew that he was staring at one of the houses. "It's okay, no one is gonna hurt you or the other two. We'll be fine," he told his self. Hiding his pain from the others was his specialty.
He had to do it so many times before on TV in his cartoons.
Hide the pain behind a large, fake smile.

~Time Skip~

"Elder Kettle! We're home!!" Vanilla shouted at the top of her lungs to alert her father of their arrival. Cuphead and Mugman went upstairs and found Elder Kettle getting up from bed. He looked at his three children and smiled. "Well hello again!" he chuckled, "How was the long journey downtown?" "I don't think we were gone that long, Elder," Mugman giggled and hugged him. Cuphead gave a small smirk before saying, "We ran into some demons at the casino tonight."
Elder Kettle's eyes grew wide as he held his chest. "Why were you there?! I thought I specifically told you three not to go to The Devil's Casino again, ever! That's why you're in this mess in the first place!" He coughed a little and Vanilla sniffled. "Elder, we're sorry, but we went to check if anyone was there. We didn't do anything wrong! We ju-" "Don't you dare raise your voice at me, young lady!!" the old coot snapped. Vanilla held onto Cuphead's shirt and he wrapped his arm around her, taking Mugman with the other.

"I don't want to hear anything else from any of you!" he screamed. "All I know is how to take care of three cups by myself, yet you want to act like fools and gamble, just to end up working for the Devil himself! Go to your rooms, all of ya!!" The teens went upstairs, but then Elder kept going.
"You'd better get ready for school soon, ya heathens!!"
That was when Cuphead snapped. He was about to go off because that old nut made his sister cry, but this time was the last straw. (pun intended) "Muggy, take Vanilla upstairs and close the door." Mugman took up his little sister and stared at him. "But Cuphead, I-" "Do what I said. Now." Mugman nodded this time with no questions and closed the door.

Cuphead pushed Elder Kettle on the bed and slapped him. "How dare you talk to my sister like that?! You're only freaking daughter?!!" Elder Kettle sat up and fumed, steam running down his face. "You think I care, boy? You don't know what you're doing!!" Mugman opened the door a little bit and peeked out of it with Vanilla. They watched the fight against the two go on until Elder Kettle aimed his fist at Cuphead's face.

"NO!!!" Vanilla Chai Tea slid down the railing on the stairs and jumped in the air, being met with the old man's fist in her cheek. Cuphead pushed Elder Kettle out the way and picked up Vanilla. Her right cheek was bruised, and a little bit of her tea cup was cracked. "Don't worry, V," he said, "I'll fix this." He ran up the stairs with her and closed the door while Elder Kettle stood up and growled.

'You're mother died because of you. You can say it was me, but I didn't go out and ruin everything. That's probably why she hated you three mistakes in the first place.'

~Time Skip again~

Bendy came back home and walked in when Boris opened up the door. He took up 6 of the bags that he had and Bendy set down the other two. "As you can see," he said, stretching out his tired back, "I did some serious shopping for us. Backpacks, books, pencils, you name it, I got it." Boris laughed and helped him put everything in the proper place. Mia came down the steps, rubbing her eyes and yawning.
"Oh, hey guys." Bendy looked up and smiled. "It's almost time for us to get ready for school guys. Let's go catch a few winks first." With that, everyone trudged up to their bedrooms and closed the doors.