Chapter Three: The Cups

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It was 12:30 when Mia woke up to a snapping sound. She stretched and yawned, noticing that Bendy wasn't in the bed with her. She saw him by the doorway snapping up his shirt.

"Glad you're up, sleepy head. Get your clothes on, I already told Boris to," Bendy said, helping Mia out of bed. Confused, and a little bit scared, she asked him, "W-Where are we going? Did someone come and find out about us?!" "No, Mia. We're going out to eat," he reassured her. "I'll give you your privacy, but one more thing before I go... How's your scar?"
Mia held her dress up a little, where Bendy couldn't see. She looked down at her stomach and stared at the five inch long scar. It was one inch wide, and it was black. "It's healing better than it was last month, Bendy." Mia still remembered how she received that slash.

It was two months ago when Joey came back to the studio to check on the cartoon characters. He always did this at the end of the month. This time, he was angry about something, and felt like he needed to take it out on someone. Sadly, Mia was the perfect candidate. She was in the recording section with Bendy, singing an old song while Boris was heating up some bacon soup for lunch that day.

(Mia's reminiscing about the past)

"Hey, Mia. I need to talk to you about something for a moment, please." "Alright, Creator. I'll be right back, okay, Bendy?" "Alright sis. I'll see you soon." "What is it, sir?"
"I... I don't understand. It seems as if my old friend, Henry, you know him, doesn't want to talk to me anymore." "I'm sorry about that, Mr. Joey, but I gotta go back to Bendy." "I'm angry, Mia. That means I gotta take my anger out on someone." "Mr. Drew, I don't want to-" "And that someone is going to be YOU."

"Mia? Mia, are you alright?" Bendy shook his sister for a moment until she came back to reality. "I-I'm sorry, just thinking about what happened. That pipe Joey used sure did sting at the time," Mia smiled. They both shared a laugh until Boris busted into the bedroom, showing off his next outfit.
"How do I look?"
He was now wearing a long sleeve tan shirt, gray pants, and black boots. "You guys ready to go to the casino?" "You look great, bro," Bendy laughed. "I'll go to the living room with Boris, Mia. We'll leave when you're done, okay?" "Okie dokie," she replied. When the boys left, the young lady pulled out a poofy sleeved black dress and white heels with black flowers on the straps.

She put on the dress and shoes, pulled her hair into a ponytail, and came downstairs. After a bear hug from Boris, the trio left the house for the casino down the street they saw earlier.

"Wow! This place is amazing!" Boris said, struck dumb by the large, bright lights of "The Devil's Casino". The inside of the building was much better than the outside: people eating, drinking, dancing, and enjoying a show by a small woman in a tiny black dress and heels. Bendy noticed a sign and read it out loud. "'Friday night show, get your entertainment by a Betty Boop performance.' Huh." He knew he heard that name from somewhere.
"Hey Mia, didn't you tell me something abo-" "Betty Boop! She's my idol!!" Mia practically went crazy. "I LOVE her TV shows, and now she's right here !!!" EEEEE!!💗" She fangirled and went to get an autograph with Boris close beside her. "I'll keep an eye on her, dude!" the wolf waved at Bendy, who in turn gave him a thumbs up and went to the bar counter.

When he got to the counter, the bar tender decided to make conversation. (you won't believe who the bar tender is 😏) "You must be new around here, huh?" "Hm? Oh, nah," Bendy said, "Just haven't been outside a lot. Just a martini, please." He was about to pull out his money when the bar tender shook his head.
"Oh no. I know the boss'll hate this, but you and your family's food and drinks are on the house. Name's Pinocchio by the way."(😱!) "Bendy." The demon smiled at the wooden teen when his drink came. Boris and Mia interrupted as usual.

"I can't believe I got the Betty Boop's autograph!" she squealed. "That is sweet. I just want something to eat first," Boris laughed. "All that running around made me hungry!😂" Pinocchio came back to the bar counter to greet the siblings. "What'll it be, you two?" he asked in his sweet tone.
"I'll have a small thing of fries!" Boris wagged his tail happily. "Just water please," Mia giggled. Pinocchio went on his way and Mia grew curious as to what Bendy was drinking. "Whatcha drinking, bro?" Bendy took a sip and turned to her. "Martini." "What's a martini?" He glared at her and sighed, "An older brother drink."

While Mia sat there dazed and confused about what happened, the door opened. One by one, the siblings turned their gazes at the door and watched as three cups walked in.

The first was a male cup with a whip of creamy beige hair over his right eye. He had a bent red and white straw protruding from the left side of his head. He had red eyes, and a matching small nose. He wore a dull gray turtle neck, a light brown jacket, and red pants with brown shoes. The second stranger was a mug with blue eyes, a matching blue and white straw, and a blue nose. He wore a long blue scarf, a white shirt, blue pants, and brown shoes.
The third one was a female teacup who was a little bit heavyset. She had green eyes and a matching headband and a green nose. She also had creamy beige hair that hung over her right eye a bit, and the rest of it was poofy behind the headband. The girl wore a short tan jacket and a brown turtle neck dress with brown shoes. She even had freckles and a tan tea bag sticking out from under her headband.

The trio of cups made their way up to the bar counter. "Mugman, Vanilla Chai Tea, you two go do whatever while I get a drink. I'll join you guys later." 'So, the other two are named Mugman and Vanilla Chai Tea,' Bendy thought while he glanced over at the stranger.
The teen called over another bar tender, PJ (Pete's son. I read about him on the inters of the nets.), and told him to bring a shot of tequila. "Are you sure, man? Last time you got drunk." "I can hold it, bruh," said the stranger. When PJ left, he made his way towards Mia, who was currently drinking her water and watching Boris eat his fries.

"Hey there, little lady~💗" he began, "Whatcha doin' at a casino?" Mia looked up at him and started to sweat. "Uuuhhh... sorry cream head, but you're not my type. Bendy!" Bendy whipped his head around like caveman SpongeBob and made a death glare at the cup. (Ooga x3)

"What's an idiot like you botherin' my sister for?!" "Oh, so you're the oldest, short stack? The name's Cuphead." He took up Mia's hand and kissed it, causing her to blush. Boris dropped one of his fries from his mouth and Bendy got triggered.
"How DARE you?!!" He stood up on the stool to get to Cuphead's face and grabbed hold of his collar. "If I were you, I'd grab my siblings and get to steppin', Benthead!!" Everyone in the casino stared, including Mugman and Vanilla. "Oh no. C'mon, Muggy," she ran up to Cuphead and Bendy to stop the fight.

"Cuppy, let's just go! It's getting late, and Elder Kettle's gonna wonder where we are!" Mugman pleaded. "Yeah," Vanilla added, "We've got school tomorrow, and... that important business to take care of." Cuphead pushed Bendy's hand aside, fixed his collar, and left with his brother and sister.
"I don't need to dirty up my gloves with the likes of you, demon boy," he growled in a loud voice. "See you at school tomorrow, punk!"