"YOU DIDNT SAVE ME!! None of you gave a fuck about me and I was left alone for six months with no one but coldness and darkness. You speak so highly of being strong? You couldn't protect your sister from being kidnapped and used like the marijuana y...
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It was easy for you to sleep at night.
While I lie starved and empty you took drugs to satisfy your emptiness and guilt.
It was easy for you to consume alcohol when you felt like you were unable to sleep without being devoured by thoughts of me.
It was easy for you to sleep around.
It was easy to dull the pain I gave you.
While my body was used the way a tool was used; you found temporary pleasure in the company of other women.
Whilst imagining my face your fantasies of me must have been guilty pleasure.
The feeling of eternal bliss in your mind must have driven you to insanity as I lay on the pool of my own blood, everyday the pool getting larger; covering more surface area.